Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sunday Traffic

I hate dealing with traffic, so Sunday mornings are my favorite time to drive. Hardly anyone else on the road. Every light is green. Just me and my family in our big honkin' SUV driving to church. Very convenient.

Sunday morning traffic is especially sweet since York County, PA. has grown so much over the last ten years. So many "outsiders" have moved in that when the farmer's market is open it completely snarls traffic on the east side. When local high schools have a Friday night football game, thousands show up and police are needed to direct traffic. With so many more people living here, it doesn't take much of an event to cause a traffic tie-up.

In the interest of full disclosure, the Church I attend has a bit of a traffic problem. (Over 1200 new attenders since Sept. 06) Fortunately, though, it's located in the middle of "Nowhere" in Lancaster county and there are only a couple of churches with "excessive traffic" in either county. Overall, Sunday morning traffic is virtually unaffected.

I pass dozens of churches every Sunday morning. I'm not great at math, but I think there may be more churches in our county than farmer's markets. Even more churches than high schools. Even more churches than convenience stores and banks. We better hope that "outsiders" never start showing up at all these churches. That would totally spoil my sweet Sunday morning drive...