Thursday, April 26, 2007


If you've been to you've seen the banner that says "Launching 2.10.08". I will write more about "launching" later but in the simplest terms, February 10, 2008 is the date actionchurch will begin weekly public services. Before that we will have once-a-month "Test Drive" services in November (11.11.07), December (12.09.07) and January(1.13.08) as we build momentum toward our "Launch".

So why 2.10.08? What makes that the "perfect" day to launch a church? The Bible says in Ecclesiastes that "if you wait for perfect conditions you will never plant/or harvest. (link) There are no "lucky" days, no guarantees. After research and prayer we simply feel this is a good day to launch actionchurch.

So why "set a date" at all? Why not just wait until everything is "together" and then advertise the date? Is it a cocky thing to do? (Like Babe Ruth at bat pointing toward the outfield?) Actually the opposite is true. Even as I write this on April 26, 2007 I am so tempted to hit the "delete" button instead of the "publish" button on my screen. There are so many reasons why it seems impossible that we will be ready to "do church" by February 2008. So much money that needs to be raised, staff to be hired, teams to be recruited, equipment to be purchased. We haven't even secured a meeting place yet... So many reasons.

In my life experience God "shows up" and does amazing things when 3 things happen.

  1. We get in line with his plans. (Link)
  2. We make ourselves vulnerable through faith (Link)
  3. We give God the "credit"when it happens!

For faith to be real and effective we cannot "hedge our bets" like our wussy politicians do. We cannot be on "both sides of the issue". Instead, we have to "make a fist" and be fully prepared to look like an idiot if we fail. I believe York county needs a place like actionchurch where people far from God can meet him. I believe there are others who feel the same and will join with us! I believe 2.10.08 is a great day to make that happen! Keep that Sunday morning (11-12) open to see whether God looks like the "hero" he is, or I look like an idiot... Either way, it will be worth seeing!