I'm too old to know any of the cool "text lingo" so I'm making up my own. WKHTWTO! (Who knows how this will turn out!) In an effort to make Sunday mornings more interactive for the next three weeks we will be taking questions during the sermon via text message. The questions will appear on the screens while I am speaking and I will (attempt) to answer them. I'm really excited about this...I think it could be a way to make church more interactive...I don't really know how to completely "prepare" for sunday...and I think I may get "heckled". This may be the most exciting series ever at actionchurch-or a huge disaster. But, as Mark Batterson says-"Everything is an Experiment!"
"txt msg" will be three weeks-three different topics. This week's topic is "Does God still speak?"..."How can we know it's "him"? "What should we listen for"? Got questions...bring em'. Should be fun...