Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I am Legend...

I've been working on my sermon for Sunday (We are screening I am Legend as part of the "at the movies" series.) Wow does this movie "ask" a lot of the questions that I think most of us deal with...

  • There's a sign on one of the abandoned?! buildings that says "God still Loves us"... Most of us have questioned at one time or another "How can a loving God allow so much pain and evil?"
  • Robert Neville (Will Smith) is seen praying with his family early in the film but later is shown screaming "There is no God"... Most of us have asked the question at some time "Are you really out there God?"
  • At another point in the film Robert Neville says "This isn't God's fault...we did this to ourselves"... Who hasn't wondered and question "How much free will does mankind actually have?" "Is this a punishment from God or did we cause this ourselves?"

This movie scares the bat crap out of me but I am looking forward to trying to "bring a little light out of the darkness" on Sunday...