Monday, January 14, 2008

Test Drive #2

Wow! Here's a quick recap of Test Drive #2. I'm going to get the website updated and also will post some video clips of the service here later so stay tuned.

  • Set up went WAY better than expected! We were missing a couple of really key players and we still got it done quicker than last time...I think our system is working.
  • Even though this was just a "practice" it was great to meet new people who showed up to be a "part of the action"
  • actionkidz upstairs was AMAZING!!! They had 18 kids yesterday...we definitely have to get more help in the actionkidz area before launch! The good news is kids love it....we just need a lot more help for the kind of numbers we will see after launch.

  • The band (Clean Slate) rocked our faces off... I don't mean to gush like an eleven-year-old Hanna Montana Fan...but I love those guys! (I'm glad they got some buzz on the news...they are so great to work with)
  • speaking of news... Fox 43 was pretty brief (and called me "DAVE" Record) but WGAL was a really great piece. They really couldn't have done a better job of telling our story. I really appreciate both crews for coming out and spending a Sunday Morning with us.
  • I was much more "at ease" preaching yesterday. Maybe it's the ex-lead-singer in me, but the more "packed" the club becomes...the more comfortable I become speaking.
  • I am so proud of out crew...It is hard to believe that a small but dedicated group can accomplish so much. Truly- "with God anything is possible"!
  • We have several things to improve before launch...we desperately need more help...but actionchurch is definitely a reality...look out York County!