Monday, January 21, 2008

Friendship Community update:

We had a great time at Friendship Community Church this weekend. We were frankly blown away by the warm reception they gave us! I had the opportunity to set in with Rich and the Worship team and share the vision and needs of actionchurch at all three services. Pastor Dennis gave a really clear and "action oriented" message about the good could not have all "fit" together better.

The people were amazing. We had people volunteer to help us clean up/set up on Sunday Mornings, and help with actionkidz. Lots of people took invite cards to invite their unchurched friends and family to our launch. Wow... The only bummer was that Mike (youth pastor) was sick, but we did get to meet "his Michele".

After this weekend I am not only extremely grateful for "kingdom minded" churches but I am also inspired to "pass it on" someday...I want actionchurch to be a church that not only helps people in our community...but even other churches starting in our community!