Monday, September 8, 2008

Sunday Recap: Late night York Fair edition

I am so freakin' tired but I can't sleep...(maybe because I have "sampled" about 20 cups of coffee today...seriously) Here's your caffeine induced Sunday recap. Today was the last day of the "un"series. I talked about how God "raises the stakes" in our lives with seemingly insurmountable situations so that he can do "undeniably" great things. I love the story of Gideon(Judges 7)...I am so glad that even though it has more "action" than the best action movie made it is true...most of all I am glad to still serve the same God that showed up in such an "undeniable" way through the life of Gideon...I believe God is still doing "undeniable" things today...I think we are just beginning to see them in the things that are happening "to" and "through" the people of actionchurch!
The Highlights:

  • Mitch Meador (formerly of the Recovery) on stage today. I'm not sure what "it" is exactly that makes a great vocalist (and Songwriter)...but I know "it" when I hear "it"...and Mitch has it. Awesome acoustic set today of U2's "Still haven't found what I'm looking for" Coldplay's "Warning Sign", Collective Soul's "The world I know" and an original (and I think the best song of the day) "Song about Hope". Mitch did a great job of making a last minute band cancellation a really good day.
  • Everyone must have overslept today....seriously...during the first song the place was half the time I got up to preach we were was really funny because I was thinking for a while that we actually grew during the summer and our first "back to school" weekend was down...
  • I am so thankful for all the great set up and tear down help today...It was a really weird day because half of the stuff was in storage...and half of "church" was in the "fair bus"....It made things really much more difficult to set up and tear down but we still rocked through both in record time! Great Job everyone.
  • I actually preached from a bar table on stage today...I felt a little "mega church"...but it filled out the stage some without having a band today...It was nice to have a place to set my bible...don't worry, no giant wooden pulpit is forthcoming.
  • Garrett found my "Bible secret" and was laughing at me after the service...I have to print the verses I use in Giant Print and put them in my Bible...stage lights look cool...but they are impossible for a 40 yr old to read by...
  • We previewed our next series "Rock Band" today...I think this is Josiah's best graphic art work yet...I dig working with him...somehow he takes my few scattered thoughts and captures them on screen better than I can even imagine...I'll promo some of it later in the week...
  • Chambered will have an "opening act" next week... stay tuned for details.

  • Had an awesome time at the York Fair tonight...I will forget someone if I "name" names...but we had such a great crew today...So much fun to hang out with actionchurch "peeps"!
  • We seriously gave away about 500 balloons tonight (no exaggeration). I haven't seen ANYONE else giving away balloons but us...weird...but good for actionchurch. You could not walk anywhere tonight without seeing one of our "signature" black balloons!
  • The most fun for me is hearing everyone "tell the story" of what actionchurch is about to people who of our biggest successes is that everyone "knows" what we are all about...."simple vision" rules!
  • The second most fun thing is being able to give stuff away "no strings attached" (except for the balloons...and that's actually a like I strings attached) It really freaks some folks out...they are just waiting for the "catch".
  • I love that our church is known at the fair by the workers for our "free coffee Delivery Service" each evening. Michele came up with the idea last year of taking Dunkin Donuts coffee "to go" to the concession and attraction workers and it is absolutely the best thing we do at the fair.
  • We found one (1) purple actionchurch balloon among the thousands of black would have thought we discovered the "great white buffalo"