Thursday, September 18, 2008


Unless you've been vacationing on Mars you've probably heard on the news that it's been a really bad week for the US economy. I'm not sure anyone fully understands the fallout from the bank failures (and the company that insures them) now...but it probably won't be that pleasant for any of us.

Are you concerned about your retirement savings? ...your mortgage? ...your job? You are not alone. Millions of Americans share your concern. Being involved in a small business (how we pay the bills) and a non-profit church (really, really, non-profit ) I'm not blind to the fact that both sectors are pretty severely affected by a downturn in the economy... I don't think; however, that the creator is "surprised" by this situation. In fact (as we talked alot about in the "un" series) God often uses difficult circumstances to show his "undeniable" power. I'm certainly not looking forward to the hardship that a "rocky" economy brings...but I am looking forward to seeing how our God provides for my family...and our actionchurch family. That's "security" to me...

18 Day by day the Lord takes care of the innocent, and they will receive an inheritance that lasts forever. 19 They will not be disgraced in hard times; even in famine they will have more than enough. Psalms 37:18-19