Six month check up...

- If you are willing to tell the story of Jesus in a relevant way...people (of all ages!) will come.
- People inviting their friends and co-workers beats "advertising" every time! ...good thing too...we haven't been able to do any real advertising since February!
- It costs way more money than I thought to run a church...I thought our biggest struggle would be to get people to attend...I was wrong about that...even with an "all volunteer" staff, lack of funds has been our number one struggle.
- Connecting with people emotionally (especially through laughter) is the most important aspect of effective communication at actionchurch... (Good thing...I am far more likely to make someone laugh on Sunday morning than deliver a "brilliant theological argument"!)
- The key to improving actionchurch is not for me to get "better" at's to find people who are "better" at the things I suck at and empower them to act!
- Some of our biggest "successes" are the things that I didn't plan...they just came out of trying to make something out of a seemingly impossible situation... (Innovation comes from Desperation!)
- It turns out I don't know nearly as much as I thought I did six months ago...
The next Six months??? I think the word that comes to mind is "bigger". Bigger risks...bigger impact...bigger decisions...a "bigger" understanding of how powerful God is when we "join his kingdom plan" like crazy...but allow him to "fight our battles"! Please pray for wisdom and courage for the actionchurch crew...ask God how you can be a part of the "action"...most of all pray that God will do something "undeniably amazing" right here in York County. More on that later...