Growing up..equals change.
Today is "extreme room makeover" day for Reagan. We're going to be changing her "baby snoopy" bedroom into an "infinitely more grown-up" Ariel room. (In case you're wondering...I have the most "grown-up room of all"- Buzz Lightyear!) "Growing up" leads to change...and change affects all of us differently. Five year old Reagan is literally jumping up and down with excitement...while Mom Michele will probably have to dry her eyes while she packs away all the baby snoopy stuff...
I'm thinking I will have some lessons to learn today about leading actionchurch this fall through a time of growth...and change. Even though both growth (and the resulting change) are a healthy and normal part of the life of churches..and kids...they can be exciting, expensive, and stressful all at the same time... and everyone reacts differently to them all!
Now off to try not to staple my finger to her toy box as I attempt a little upholstery!