Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday Recap: "Wrecked" part III

I'm a little "late" today...I fell asleep watching the nascar race Tivo'd from last am I beat. Here's the recap in no particular order...

  • Unsettled on stage...they are so smooth! They started out with Counting Crows "A Long December...I love that song and I think they have done it better than the "Crows" themselves. Also played a couple of great originals "The Phoenix" and "Humility"...ended the day with "Came to my rescue" from Hillsong United. Great Band..great set.
  • I spoke about Rahab the prostitute today...I think everyone (including me) was nervous that I might say something "Horrible"... I did coin the word "whorticulture" to discribe Rahab's "small business".
  • Attendance was down today...I know we had a lot of people sick... at this stage it's really difficult to predict attendance... Every week we have new people show up and "old" people return... That's probably better than we "deserve".
  • Speaking of people being sick... a lot of our normal "tear down" crew was out sick...the cool thing is that people stepped up and everything was put away as quickly as ever. I am really thankful for the way people stick around and help out! You guys Rock!
  • I used the story of Rahab to talk about God's plan for our rescue (salvation). 1. Choose Sides, 2. Go Public. 3. Be Rescued. Michele came up with the idea to give out pieces of red "rope" (pictured on my wrist above) to remind people that we have to "go public" like Rahab did when she left the rope hanging out her window... Very cool way to remember..
  • I apologized to people who had not yet "chosen sides" to be part of God's kingdom plan for earth. I told them that Rahabs main reason for "choosing sides" to go with the God of Israel is because she had heard about the great things their God had done... I don't think people are more selfish, more wicked, or God has "lost his power"...I just think "christians" have done a very poor job of showing God's Greatness...We want to change that in York County!
  • This was the first week of the new actionkidz volunteer plan... So far it looks like a success. We need one more person with teaching skilz but I am so happy to see new people volunteering once a month. I think the reorganization is really important long term so that a few people don't have to do everything and burn out... We're still figuring this "church thing" out..
  • This week we were blessed that our mysterious power problem from last week was "healed". Jeff did almost get stuck in the elevator though... It is so cool having an elevator to move our stuff up the three floors, but I think it is going to trap someone someday.
  • Offering was pretty good today...we are so blessed at how God provides... I had someone stop me at Walmart on Saturday and give me $100.00. They said that they went to church somewhere else but they had a friend who would never come with them...their friend has been coming to actionchurch...too cool.
  • I'm past trying to "figure out" how things are supposed to "work"...I just know that God is doing something at actionchurch and I am so blessed to be a little part of the "action".