Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Launch Team

We will begin weekly Launch team meetings on October 14th -November 4th(Sunday nights 6-8pm). I know "Launch Team" isn't a phrase you hear every day so I thought I'd try to make sure everyone understands what it is (and is not)

the Launch Team is: People who are absolutely convinced that actionchurch should "happen" in York County and are willing to put their time, talents, and resources behind the idea. People willing to get their hands dirty. A limited commitment-the team will meet and work together from October 14th until our launch date in February (2.10.08). People who don't plan to show up at actionchurch Sunday morning...they want to be the people who are there to welcome others when they show up. People who want to be part of the revolution. Launch team members are the history makers and innovators of our county who have been waiting for an opportunity to change the way York thinks about Church (and by extension) Jesus. (No previous "church" experience needed)

a Launch Team meeting is: A time to get to know others on the team. A time to eat desert. A time to hear first hand what a "typical" service at actionchurch will "look like". A time to ask questions. A time to use your particular talents and background to help solve problems.

the Launch Team is not: A "planning" "steering" (or any other kind of) Committee. A Launch Team is closer to a SWAT team than a committee. We will not meet to discuss "if" we should move forward...rather how we should overcome obstacles and move forward.

'Sound like you? Ready to be part of the action? Ready to help start a Church in a Nightclub? Ready to help "make Jesus famous" in York County? Contact me at info@actionchurch.com