Jesus Is The Reason For The Season?
Merry Christmas to's a few thoughts from actionchurch's Chief Creative Officer- Josiah
It made me think though. This time of year is already crowded with tv ads from Target, donation pleas from food banks, emails from African princes, and church's trying to get you to come to their christmas eve service. Do you ever feel like Jesus is being sold for Christmas right along with the Tickle-Me-Elmo's, Wii's, and cowboy boots? I am not disputing that Jesus came to earth at this time of year, or that we should be thankful that he was sent.
But I, like most other Americans, just try my best to ignore advertising and its various messages now. We all have become callus to companies and churches trying to sell us what they believe we need. Even the message of "Don't forget what Christmas is really about" needs another message on top to remind me to "Don't ignore the 'don't forget what Christmas is really about' message."
I think the best present we can give our neighbors is not an invitation to a christmas eve service, but maybe a friendly invitation to coffee and christmas cookies at our house Nobody cares if you figured out a clever catch phrase to put on your church sign. Let's stop selling Jesus 1 month out of the year, and start showing some love that Jesus showed to our neighbors all the time.
Merry Christmas.