Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Recap: At the movies (The Santa Clause)

Metal Wreath
Metal Band!
Today was a "very merry metal Christmas" service at actionchurch. I talked about "what to do when Santa falls off the roof...when Destiny calls...when God moves and everything changes." So many people wonder if their "destiny" is already written...if they've missed their chance to do something great...if they've messed up too much to be part of Gods plan. Today I told folks that "Destiny" moments still happen...they're often disguised as "problems", our choice is whether we are going to respond with fear...or faith-like Mary, and Joseph...and Scott in the movie "The Santa Clause". "When Santa falls off the roof we have a choice...whether to run away... or climb the ladder, jump in the sleigh...and fly away.
The Highlights:

Extreme! Christmas Makeover...

  • It was absolutely inspiring to see the gifts pour in today for our "adopted family"...the action bus is filled with really great stuff... including a brand new dining room table and after gift for the children...lots of stuff for mom's kitchen. A new futon for the living room...too much stuff to list...actionchurch folks are simply the generous! I'm looking forward to giving everyone an update about the "reveal" next week.
  • Chambered on Stage... O holy moly these guys brought it hard today! I have to get a copy of the recording today of their version of "O come, O come Emmanuel". It was so powerful. We are probably the only church in America today that had a "Five Finger Death Punch" (Never enough) song...and a Christmas Carol in the set list...I love this band, and I love being part of actionchurch!
  • Josiah made the most "Deadly" sharp wreath out of twisted shards of galvanized was so cool...and you could literally kill someone with it if you had too. (not sure why you would need to...but you could)
  • Speaking of Josiah it was great to have him back doing his thing this week...even though he made me laugh and lose my place during the service... you had to be there.
  • This week we had an even bigger lighted deer on stage than last week...along with lots of other assorted Christmas "crap". Our stage looks like the most "decorated home in the trailer park" offense to trailer parks. :-)
  • Crystal made a much less "deadly" but really amazing fabric actionchurch "cog" ornament...we have some really creative folks...Thanks!

  • I heard we were setting up chairs as folks came was our highest attendance ever as a church...hard to believe that this week last year was our first "test drive" practice service...God has really blessed us this year.
  • Also one of our largest offerings ever today. Thanks so much for your generosity. I know times are difficult...and so many people have purchased gifts for our Extreme Christmas Makeover...thanks so much for contributing financially as well.
  • I was "accosted" by someone from another local church (what the..?) as I was taking down the signs by the road today. He wanted to quiz me on what I knew about the bible after I told him I was the pastor. He also wanted to "inform" me that we weren't teaching the right things (even though he had never attended actionchurch). I asked him if his "approach" ever worked...if he had ever "argued" someone into loving Jesus? He said "people don't listen to me because they don't want to know the truth". I told him (my exact words) that "people don't listen to you because you are annoying!!!" I don't think they will be inviting me to speak at their church...but he did offer to "pray for me" :-)
  • What a great week, I absolutely cannot wait for next Sunday to get here. If you attend only one service at actionchurch for the rest of the year it should be next week (actually next week is the last actionchurch service of the year) but I guarantee you that you will not want to miss it!