As I evaluate the great things that God has done at
actionchurch this year I keep coming back to this verse.
Mathew 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
It's a common verse...one that churches often teach their people. Since most churches think of themselves as being the "Kingdom of God", the teaching usually goes something like this: "Seek the work of the church above all else...give your tithes and offerings to the church first...think about your commitment to the church first...live righteously...and God will give you everything you need."
I've come to understand that this verse is so much "bigger" than a command for individuals to show up, pay up, and serve in the local church. I believe the "Kingdom of God" is much bigger than "a" church...or even "all" Churches. The "Kingdom of God" is God's ultimate plan for earth...all of it...for everyone! And the command (and the promise that goes along with it) doesn't just apply to individuals...it applies to churches also!
If I had to "explain" what is happening at actionchurch...how a ten-month old "renegade" church plant could have held our last service of the year in a packed out (over 170 people Sunday), "pimped out":-) facility like club 19...the miracle of us even existing at this point. I can only explain it like this: " Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."
When we put the "Kingdom" above actionchurch...when we gave money to those who needed it in our first Easter service (link) even though we were struggling to pay the bills...when we chose to support those who battled cancer instead of just worrying about how we were going to survive as a church plant (link)... When we chose to give away coffee at the County Fair (link)...when we chose to feed those who have less than us at thanksgiving (link)...when you all GENEROUSLY chose to give a deserving family a brand new start this Christmas (link)...when we put the "Kingdom of God" above all else...God gave us everything we need...and a whole lot more!
Wow...it's amazing to even look back and think of all the "Kingdom" things that we have accomplished together as a church. It's amazing that we even had time to think about the "care and feeding" of actionchurch. But I'm convinced that is our "secret" of success...and our hope for the future. I can't wait to see what happens in the coming year as we trust God to give us what we need...and seek to do the work of his Kingdom...above all else!