Monday, December 3, 2007

Over Complicated...

It started out so simple... Two simple words spoken by Jesus. "Follow me" is what Jesus called out to uneducated fishermen, infamous sinners, and political zealots. They accepted his invitation and the words and actions of these few simple men are still felt in our society today. Christianity, church, and many of the social action efforts of our society all began when simple men responded to two simple words..."Follow me".

So how did it get so complicated? Why is it that Jesus' "simple plan" for the kingdom has been replaced with so much complexity? Why can't Christians agree even on how to "follow Jesus"? Does it happen with a prayer? When you are Baptised? When you were "chosen" before you were even born? How is it that two simple words have been replaced by whole "systems" of theology? Replaced by acrostics, five point plans, catechisms and creeds? How come we can't even agree what the purpose of "following Jesus" is? Is it to get to heaven? Is it to spend life in Bible study and reflection? Is it to become social activist and "change the world"? Is it to get out of trouble when we are caught by the paparazzi in yet another "compromising position"?

I certainly do not think I have the "answer" to this dilemma... but it does seem that the main reason we have turned from the the simplicity of "follow me" to the complexity of religion is because we are missing the key ingredient-Jesus. Sometimes the simplest answer is the best answer...

19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."Mathew 28:19-20