Monday, December 31, 2007

Stuff I learned in 2007-Criticism

I used to believe the people that say that you should/could "ignore" criticism... I don't know about you but I find that to be impossible. Here's some stuff I've learned about dealing with criticism in 2007.

  • Don't be surprised by it. Every time I read the Gospels I notice how many time the heading is "Jesus' followers are criticised"...still are...nuff said.
  • If it's "true"-deal with it. All criticism is painful but the most painful is the stuff that is true or at least has a basis in truth. I really struggle with this, but the best plan is to admit it's true, deal with it, and move on...
  • If it's not true- don't spend too much time defending yourself. I'm not Jesus (understatement of the century) so I still struggle with "turning the other cheek"... but I have learned that the people that criticise the most don't usually care if what they are saying is actually true... so it's pointless to devote your life trying to prove them "wrong". Let God be the judge.

Bottom line: Deal with criticism-just don't be "paralyzed" by it! The most important thing I have learned in 2007 about dealing with criticism is that whenever we buy into the lie that we must prove our "sinless perfection" to others before we can do whatever God wants us too-we've already lost the battle! God's word is filled with imperfect, flawed, "messed up" people...who for some reason were chosen to do amazing things. That certainly doesn't give us and excuse to be sinful jerks...but it does mean that we should trust that God knows our past, our flaws, and our future faults...and still chooses to love us anyway.

Come to think of it, that's pretty much how we are supposed to treat others-even our critics!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

One year.

I sometimes catch myself thinking that not much has happened this year at actionchurch... We've only had one "test drive" service... I find myself thinking that "next year" after we launch (2.10.08) is when it will all "happen".

When I catch myself thinking like that I'm gonna smack myself in the forehead! (Ouch!) At this time last year actionchurch was little more than a crazy idea and a really great logo. Just one year later I am amazed at how that idea has spread! I am so thankful for the people who have given their time and energy to develop a church for those who "don't like church". I am so thankful for the people who have given their money to help us purchase equipment and tools we need to create a place where those who feel disenfranchised by religion will feel welcomed. I am thankful for the crew at Fat Daddy's for sharing their club and allowing it to become a church on Sunday mornings. I am thankful for the ways we have been able to serve our community even before we are "officially" a church. I am thankful for people I barely know who are now promoting and inviting people to this "crazy idea" we call actionchurch. I am thankful for the sacrifices my "girls" have made to allow me to participate in what I feel is an opportunity of a lifetime to bring something needed to our community. Most of all I'm thankful that there is a God who specializes in using common, flawed peopled to do extraordinary things... Wow, 2007 has been an amazing year...I can't wait to see what happens in 2008

Friday, December 28, 2007

Stuff I learned in 2007...

Maybe I should say this is something I "noticed" in 2007. As we read through the Bible as a family this year it seemed like one phrase kept jumping out- "Lord of Heavens Armies". Some older translations say "Lord God Almighty" but either way I did a bit of research and this particular phrase shows up nearly three hundred times in the Bible...far more than any mention of God as "Father".

So what does it mean to me? I think it means that I must remember to view God not only as my Father...but as "Commander in Chief" of the universe..."Commander in Chief" in the middle of a battle between his kingdom plan for Good and Satan's plan for chaos and pain. God as "Commander in Chief" is not always "nice", or "warm and fuzzy". He's got a plan and he will see it matter what! God as "Commander in Chief" will sometimes send us on "dangerous" missions...missions that may not be that personally pleasurable...missions we ourselves would definitely not choose... But because God is also our loving Father...we can trust him to have our best interests at heart. I'm definitely still working on this one...I realize more every year that God is just too "big" for any "box" or "explanation" I might give him...

Thursday, December 27, 2007

"Repay" cards

I just ran across this idea of printing a "Repay" card to encourage random acts of kindness. (link) Is this a good plan? I kinda like the idea... Shout out.

What did you learn?

So 2007 is almost's a good time to look back and reflect. So what did you learn this year? ...about yourself? ...about life? ...about God? I'm gonna take the next couple days to share some of the lessons I've learned this year. I hope you'll do the same.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My favorite things

Here's my favorite thing from Christmas. Reagan (4) drew "me" and Michele scanned it and transferred it to a shirt. I love it!

The funniest thing I got was a Robert Schuller Calender and book from Michele's grandmother. (Not that I am a big "Glass Cathedral" fan... but I do think Robert Schuller had a lot of positive things to say...) I thought I had really "scored"- I usually don't make her "list"! I was feeling pretty good that I rated on grandma's list...until Michele pointed out that the calender was from 2006...oh well...It is the thought that counts.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas. What was your favorite thing?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

So I got a new Flip Video for Christmas...

...I gotta stop filming everything... Reagan is starting to attack the paparazzi! Merry Christmas everyone! (Link) for email subscribers.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! I'm checking out until after Christmas to enjoy some time with the family. I hope everyone has a chance to do the same.

Friday, December 21, 2007

...a Christmas Mystery.

I'm glad that Churches everywhere are telling the "real meaning of Christmas" but sometimes it all seems a little "matter of fact" to me. I think (because of the long time that has passed since that First Christmas) it's easy to recount the "facts", to explain the "plan", and miss the mystery and miracle of Jesus' birth.

Here's a few things that are still seem "mysterious" to me in the Christmas story:

  • Why God used the Scandalous pregnancy of an unmarried girl to bring his son into the world. Over 2000 years later, our media is buzzing about Britney Spears 16 year old sister being must have been a pretty big deal in an Orthodox Jewish community...certainly not the way any religious expert would have approved of.
  • Why God chose a simple man who worked with his hands (Joseph)to be his sons earthly father figure instead of a priest or scholar? (Like John the Baptists Father, Zechariah.)
  • Why God chose the outcasts of society, ( shepherds) to be the witnesses of the miracle birth of his son?
  • Why God would allow his son to be born in a stable. It may seem quaint and romantic when portrayed in our tiny nativity sets. but it must have felt like an enormous lack of provision and planning to Mary and Joseph that night....?
  • Thousands of years later, it's easy to be "Monday morning quarterbacks" and proudly point out all the prophesies of the Old Testament that predicted Jesus birth. Why didn't any of the religious teachers of the time "get it"? They certainly knew the scriptures. How did they miss it?
  • How is it that the three "wise guys" that did "get it" and travel to worship Jesus after his birth would have undoubtedly labeled "Godless Foreigners" by the religious teachers of the Day???

The truth is: I don't know. I can't explain God's actions back then or today. I believe the lesson to be learned is that if we step back far enough in time we can see a certain portion of God's plan and providence...but not all. Just like the people at the time of the birth of Jesus I am certain that we are "missing" much of what God is doing today because it doesn't "fit" into our understanding of scripture and history.

I am completly certain of one thing. No matter how "ill advised", how "scandalous", how "risky" God's plan's are... they seem to work out just fine... whether or not I, or anyone else, "approve". Our best "strategy" is to trust and "join in".

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Happy Festivus

I couldn't let the holiday go past without posting my favorite episode of Seinfeld (link for email subscribers.) What really makes me laugh is that people now actually celebrate this made up holiday... Festivus for the rest of us!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Holy Cow! a Christmas Cookie.

I spent some time yesterday delivering Christmas Cookies to some painting clients. (My wife Michele is an amazing baker, so they are always happy to see me coming with cookies!) When I got home there was a package from our logo/graphic designer Michael at Holy Cow Creative. (Give and you will receive!) When I went to "sample" one this morning I realized that not only did it taste great...they were baked to look like the Holy Cow logo. Very cool! We are really blessed to work with such creative people. Thanks!

You can check out Michael's new Blog about church marketing (here). It's very insightful.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A snowballs chance...

I saw these at our local "gadget emporium" and it made me laugh (notice the "perfect solutions" brand name), but it also reminded me of the challenge we face every week at actionchurch. I actually believe that the "instant snowball maker" would work. I am pretty certain that if I were to ever be in a snowball fight and need perfectly round "cartoon-like"snowballs...I think it would be handy to have a set of these around. What I don't believe is that rare occasion is worth me parting with $14.95 + tax. I also don't believe that even if the "instant snowball makers" were free or (God forbid!) given to me as a gift...I would be able to find them in my cluttered garage or attic in the event that it snowed and I needed to make that perfectly round snowball. Even if I actually thought they were worth the cost...I don't think I could store and "retrieve" them when necessary.

That's the challenge of sharing God's truth every week at actionchurch (or any church). I believe that God has the "perfect solution" for our day to day lives. I also know that our lives are cluttered with information. Email, 24 hour news channels,the web, books, magazines, 100's of cable channels, and mp3 players that allow us to carry thousands of songs add to the clutter. Every Sunday people choose whether the cost of showing up to church, listening to a sermon, and implementing biblical principles in their life is worth the "cost". Even if they "buy in" to the solution, unless they are given a powerful storage and retrieval system, life changing truth is "lost" among the clutter of information and media in their lives.

This challenge shapes everything we do on Sunday mornings at actionchurch. That's why we "tie" biblical principles to songs you can hear on the radio. It's why we strive each week to visually reinforce the one "big idea" of the sermon with video clips or other visual media. It's why we strive to teach about what the Bible's solutions are for big, common, problems. (There's lots of great information in the Bible...but the layout of the Jewish tabernacle probably won't be considered "necessary" enough to be either "bought", "stored" or "retrieved".) It's not fact it's a lot of effort for everyone involved. We do it because we believe God's word, and we are willing to do whatever is necessary to give it more than a "snow balls chance in hell" of being put into action in peoples lives...

Monday, December 17, 2007

Growing up..

Our little princess is really growing up... I can't believe she finally sat on Santa's lap! She looks a little dubious about the "old guy" but she used to burst into tears when ever she got near the "jolly old elf." I want to remember this christmas...while she still likes toys and "princess stuff"...I know in just a blink of an eye she'll go from being frightened of Santa to being "too cool" to ever be caught on camera like this...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

"Easy" Church

It's Sunday morning and we'll be heading off to church in a couple of hours. (weather permitting.) I was just thinking about the difference between this week and last week when we had our first "Test Drive" gathering at the club.

This week:

  • We don't have to be concerned with the weather...or if anyone shows up.
  • I'm still sitting at my computer...we were already at the club this time last week.
  • I can sit back and listen to someone who is a much better communicator than I am...I'm not constantly rehearsing in my brain what I will say this morning.
  • I don't have to ask my family and friends to spend hours setting up the club for church...we'll just show up and walk in.
  • I'm not worried about whether the video works correctly...
  • will be an easy, enjoyable, uplifting fuss, no muss. My biggest concern will be finding a good parking spot.

As I read even this short list I realize that we must be "a little crazy" to leave the "ease" of going to church to struggle to create a church for people who are "lost", "let down" or just "looking." This morning I am thankful for the "holy insanity" of actionchurch. ...thankful for my family (especially Michele) and the sacrifices they make. ... and so thankful for the growing handful of "action heroes" who are somehow are "crazy" enough to buy into the dream and make it happen. Somehow...I can't wait to do it again!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Elk Creek Church-action heroes!

I just got an email yesterday from my friend Mike Silliman over at Elk Creek Church. It seems that their four month old church plant is putting actionchurch in their budget for monthly support in 2008. (link) These guys never cease to amaze me. They are truly "action heroes"!

To be honest when we started out I never thought we would receive anything but disapproval and criticism from churches. I was wrong about that. Elk Creek is a great example of a church that not only cares about people disenfranchised by religion...they care about them even if they will never attend their church...even if they don't live in their area!

I'm thankful for churches like Elk Creek. Not just for their generosity, (although I really appreciate that!) but also for the example they set and they encouragement that they are. It reminds me that we are certainly not alone...we are just a tiny part of a great movement that is rising up everywhere...Churches looking outward instead of inward... doing good instead of just "looking" good...putting the teachings of Jesus into action!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I believe in aliens! (part II)

If you haven't read part one, (go here). This will make a lot more sense...ok, at least a little more sense.

Our question from yesterday: "So how would you tell your friends and family that they needed to "believe and serve" aliens if their life depended on it? How would you approach them?"

If we as Churches, believe what we say we believe in the Bible, then it is imperative( and in every ones best interest) to love and serve our "master from outside our planet", God. Our job as followers of Jesus is to invite and influence them to do so... this job is not optional-It's commanded. So if it's not okay to just gather in our churches and blame "unbelievers" for "not wanting to come to church anymore" or "not wanting to hear good Bible teaching"... What can we do?

Here's some things we do at actionchurch:

  1. Constantly look for new evidence! If God created this universe and still guides it, there should be evidence beyond the ancient accounts of the Bible. That's why you will consistently see references to pop culture, the arts, media, etc. in an average actionchurch service. Not to be hip or trendy, but to point out examples of the principles of the Bible still being true and relevant in our lives today. (If it's should still be true!)
  2. If you've been "probed"...act "probed"! If anyone comes to me and tries to convince me that they've had an encounter with an alien and "being probed" has changed their life...there had better be evidence of that change. I'm not going to take their word for it just because they start wearing alien t-shirts and going to Sci-fi should be plain that they are "different" now. In the same way, we cannot expect people to believe that our lives were "changed by Jesus"...if they can't see a change! One of the most important things we can do as a church is to show we are "different" by our love, generosity, and service to others.
  3. When "normal"! There are some things about being a follower of Jesus that are just always going to seem "weird". We can't change that. We close our eyes and talk to someone you can't see... we hear and inner voice that guides us...we spend time studying a book that is thousands of years seems a little weird to someone without our "alien" beliefs. Prayer, bible study, and hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit are necessary to our faith. Things that are not "necessary" to our faith and seem weird to those outside are: pulpits, communion tables, offering plates, singing songs from the 18th century, speaking christianeze, and meeting in buildings with pointy steeples on top. (Just to name a few) If we remove those "unnecessarily weird" elements our worship may seem "alien" to those raised in church...but more normal to those who are "outsiders".

So there's a couple of reasons why we "do what we do" in a "typical" actionchurch Sunday Morning... Our methods stem from the realization that others do not necessarily see our faith in the same way we do...and loving them enough to make Jesus "accessible" to them. If your communities safety and future depended on you convincing them to "believe and serve" aliens...wouldn't you be willing to do the same?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I believe in aliens!

Yes, I believe in aliens. Not the little green kind on television, or the creepy Tom Cruise scientology aliens. But in the strictest sense of the word I believe in "aliens".

I believe a being from outside our universe created and controls our planet. I believe thousands of years ago he sent his son disguised as a human to rescue us from ourselves. I believe this "alien being" guided and directed various humans to write a book over thousands of years that contains insight and direction into pleasing him. I believe it is absolutely imperative (for their own good) that everyone believes and serves my "alien" master!

Does that story sound a little strange to anyone? ...Anyone think I need a little rest and relaxation in a mental hospital? Maybe so, but my "alien" story is essentially the story of our faith in God and Christ. I think because over the years such a large percentage of our population has also believed in God, we have become lazy and complacent about spreading our message. We don't take into account how "alien" our story sounds to those not born into the Judeo/Christian tradition. We assume because we have spent so much time at "alien conventions", that everyone else believes in "aliens" and our "alien book". We attempt to "prove" the Bible, using the Bible, when speaking to people who are not sure they believe the Bible... Unlike Jesus and the Apostle Paul we often separate Biblical principals and doctrine from the "real world" when we tell our "alien story".

So how would you tell your friends and family that they needed to "believe and serve" aliens if their life depended on it? How would you approach them?

More tomorrow...

The truth is out there!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ordinary Misfits.

One of my core beliefs is that ordinary people can do extraordinary things when they are part of something God wishes to accomplish. (So the trick is really not to "get God on your side" it's to be on "God's side".)

I am so excited to see that core belief in "action". Even though we may joke that we are the "island of misfit toys" I really think that we are instead part of a long tradition of exactly the kind of people God chooses to use.

God loves to use a shepherd boy to kill a giant and become king. ...A misfit running from a murder charge to lead his people out of Egypt. ...A teenage girl and her carpenter fiance to care for his only son. The list goes on and on.

When the "story" of actionchurch is told someday my greatest hope is that people say the same thing they said about the leaders of the first church...

13When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13

Monday, December 10, 2007

It's a "runner"

I've been describing our "test drive" services as "building a prototype". (link) To be honest I've never built a prototype or started a church before. I have had the opportunity to build a few old VW's over the last 10 years. I've had the experience of starting with a rusty old shell and a dream. I've ordered boxes of parts. I've planned and revised. I've suffered hundreds of cuts and bruises as I repaired old parts and bolted on new ones. I've experience that one glorious moment when all the sweat, all the expense, all the boxes of parts and pieces comes to "life" and I've been fortunate enough to take my "dream" out on a test drive around the neighborhood.

Yesterday felt just like that to me... It's not just "my" dream, but I am glad to be a part of it. actionchurch still needs some adjustments, some tweaks, not everything works yet. (I am going to throw my computer remote out the window!) However, I know from experience that once something is a "runner" it will never go back to being a dream and boxes of parts. Most project cars (and church plants) don't make it to the "test drive" stage...I am so thankful that actionchurch did! I can't wait to "tune it up" and take it for another spin!

For the gearheads: Picture is of my 74 VW thing. "bob"

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Test Drive "action"

Here's a few pictures from our first Test Drive at Fat Daddy's. I'll post more about the experience tomorrow but I have to say...

  • Church at Fat Daddy's is not only possible-it's gonna rock.
  • Clean Slate (band) was unbelievable...I am now a fan!
  • I am so blown away by our crew! It was so amazing to see just a handful of people do so well. You guys are true action heroes!
  • I am so thankful for my family! From my beautiful Michele cleaning the restrooms and everything else in the my little angel Reagan who was happily playing the whole my Father-in-law Phil for helping get the video (and most everything else) working.
  • Matt (club owner) was unbelievably kind and actually helped us set up!
  • Jake (sound man extraordinaire) and his wife not only whipped our sound into shape but helped us set up also.
  • Thanks God, thanks crew...I feel so lucky to get to be a little part of actionchurch.
Clean Slate "in action"!

actionkidz shots

I think the actionkidz area was absolutely the best part of actionchurch (and I'm happy about that!) Way to go guys!!!! I wish we could have got some shots while it was in action but here are some pics "before".

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Here's a link to a story in the Friday York Dispatch. (link) We have been really blessed with good media buzz. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens tomorrow...

Friday, December 7, 2007

How flippin' cool is this?

I thought this was too exciting not to pass along. The club owner at Fat Daddy's (the club we meet at on Sundays) told me this week that they were allocating the money we were paying them for rent for renovations and improvements to the club! We will be doing some more painting there after the first of the year and with their new improvements the place should really rock by our launch! Just this week they are putting in some new windows and (4) 37" LCD TV's in the downstairs stage/bar area. We won't be able to tap into the "new" screens on Sunday yet, but they are allowing us to use them, and by next month we should have our video running on six!!! big screens instead of just two. I am so thankful for God's plan! The Crew at Fat Daddy's has been absolutely great to work with and I can't wait to see what develops out of this odd-but-cool relationship between a church and a nightclub!

Don't forget our first "Test Drive", Sunday at 11am (12..09.07)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Last call

We could still use a couple more people for set-up and cleaning at the club before Church on Sunday. If you are interested please shoot me an email ( and be ready to show up early Sunday morning. (12.09.07 8am) This highly glamorous position will include getting the club cleaned up and set up for church. Perks include getting to see what Fat Daddy's looks like early on a Sunday morning without being arrested for trespassing, and a cool actionchurch crew lanyard.

I know that we will have more help as more people see that this "crazy idea" is really happening... Still, I think the real "action heroes" of our test drive are the handful of people who are willing to show up early on a Sunday morning and prepare so that others can enjoy church. You know who you are and I hope you know how much Michele and I value and appreciate your help! Thanks!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The three "B's"

I'm not sure who to credit for saying this because I've seen it several different places. But it goes a little something like this:

There are three "B's" of the Church. Believe, Behave, and Belong. Generally speaking Churches say: If you Behave like us, and Believe like us, then you can Belong.

I want actionchurch to "say" the opposite: You Belong, I hope that over time you will Believe, then you will start to Behave.

Does that mean we won't talk about about sin, judgement, or anything God demands that would someone might be offended by? Nope! (How can a person truly "believe" if they haven't heard whole truth about God?) I never want to be guilty of doing the religious "bait and switch" by saying "All you have to do to get to heaven is say this prayer" and then after the fact saying "Oh by the way there are some rules you should be following since you are now a Christian"- It's dishonest! At actionchurch we will start by accepting matter what their "sin problems" are, because they are very much like us...sinners in need of a Savior.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

One cold hand...

I read about a blog called "one cold hand" in the news. It was started by a college student who wanted to reunite lost gloves found in Pittsburgh. (go there) I love the's smart, funny, and actually encourages people to help each other. The thing that really made me laugh were the comments people left...

  • Some criticized the whole idea of "saving lost gloves"
  • Some criticized the people who lost the gloves.
  • Some suggested that "lost socks" should also be saved too...
  • Some suggested that the lost gloves should be donated to homeless people or handicapped people with only one hand...
  • Most people that had lost a glove encouraged the effort!

It reminded me a little of people's responses to starting a church for "lost" people who have been separated from God...

Monday, December 3, 2007

Over Complicated...

It started out so simple... Two simple words spoken by Jesus. "Follow me" is what Jesus called out to uneducated fishermen, infamous sinners, and political zealots. They accepted his invitation and the words and actions of these few simple men are still felt in our society today. Christianity, church, and many of the social action efforts of our society all began when simple men responded to two simple words..."Follow me".

So how did it get so complicated? Why is it that Jesus' "simple plan" for the kingdom has been replaced with so much complexity? Why can't Christians agree even on how to "follow Jesus"? Does it happen with a prayer? When you are Baptised? When you were "chosen" before you were even born? How is it that two simple words have been replaced by whole "systems" of theology? Replaced by acrostics, five point plans, catechisms and creeds? How come we can't even agree what the purpose of "following Jesus" is? Is it to get to heaven? Is it to spend life in Bible study and reflection? Is it to become social activist and "change the world"? Is it to get out of trouble when we are caught by the paparazzi in yet another "compromising position"?

I certainly do not think I have the "answer" to this dilemma... but it does seem that the main reason we have turned from the the simplicity of "follow me" to the complexity of religion is because we are missing the key ingredient-Jesus. Sometimes the simplest answer is the best answer...

19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."Mathew 28:19-20

Sunday, December 2, 2007

What can you expect?

So what can you expect if you show up at actionchurch on a Sunday Morning (11am) at Club 19? Here's a few of the things you can expect.

  • expect people to be dressed casually. Come as you are...there's no dress code.
  • expect to be accepted and welcomed, whoever you are.
  • expect to be offered Dunkin Donut's coffee, Donuts, or a water...something to start your morning off right!
  • expect to hear a rock band every Sunday morning...too loud? We offer complementary hearing protection at the information table.
  • expect to meet all kinds of people...people you wouldn't expect to meet in church, people you wouldn't expect to meet in a nightclub.
  • expect the service to last one hour.
  • expect to hear one idea taken from the Bible each week...not lists of information...not bible trivia...not a history lesson...something practical that can help you live a more satisfying, meaningful life.
  • expect Sunday Morning activities your children will actually want to attend (pre-school through fourth grade) at actionkidz upstairs! (Want to see what actionkidz is all about? Parents are welcome to "stay and play".)
  • expect to hear about opportunities to serve our community. actionchurch is about putting the principals of Jesus into action...not just learning about them.
  • expect to be a good way...every week. Expect to find yourself "re-thinking" church!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Talkin' about the weather...

I don't think I've ever posted about the weather but I am certainly grateful that this little bit of snow and ice that we are supposed to be getting tonight (Saturday night/ Sunday morning) is happening this week instead of next week before our first public meeting at Fat Daddy's Nightclub!

Speaking of Fat Daddy's I was talking to someone at the club yesterday and they said people in the club were asking about the "church that's gonna come here" and so far the comments have been all positive... Let's pray that this positive buzz continues so more people who "don't like church" will come hear the Good News at Fat Daddy's!