Lending to God?
I ran across this verse last night in our family Bible reading.
If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD � and he will repay you!
Proverbs 19:17 (nlt)
It really sounded "strange" to me the first time I read it. Does God really need a loan? From me? I thought he had everything. Is God an eternal "tightwad" who is sitting on piles of cash but never reaches for the check at dinner?
After thinking about it here's what I came up with: Walmart and Microsoft don't need a "loan" from me-or you! However, both companies will allow us to invest in their companies by buying stock. When you have invested in a company you have in a sense loaned them money in hopes they can turn it into even more money! God is offering us a chance to invest in "God Inc." when we help those who don't have enough. He even promises to repay us! Sounds like a sweet investment opportunity to me!
For more of the "fine print details" about investing in God's plan for earth, click here. (link) Both the "interest" and the "penalties" are incredible.