Tuesday, July 31, 2007

What I learned from Hell's Kitchen.

Michele and I enjoy watching Hell's Kitchen (link) on Monday nights. I think it is one of the funniest shows on TV...even if it wasn't intended to be. So what can you learn about "church" from a Master Chef who is also a "Jedi master" in profanity? I think plenty... here's just one of the things I've noticed recently.

There's nothing more important than your good name!

Nothing makes Gordon Ramsey more angry (and that's saying something!) than when he believes something is being served from his restaurant that will damage his "name". "Your menu, my standards!" is what he yelled at an aspiring chef last week. I think church leaders, especially pastors, could learn a lot from that. When we allow substandard things to be "served" out of our churches to our communities because "they're just volunteers" or "it's close enough for church work" or "we can't afford to do it "right", I believe it dishonors both the name of Jesus and the wonderful men and women who chose to serve him. We should remember that when something is done poorly, stingily, half-way, ineptly, or sloppily it doesn't only reflect on the church or pastors "name", it reflects on Jesus!

I believe it also dishonors volunteers efforts when we allow low standards and lack of resources to cause them to put out a final result they can not be proud of. They are not "just volunteers" or "free labor", they are the heart and soul of our efforts to serve our communities! I actually believe the best use of church paid staff is to empower, train, and provide resources for volunteers. Instead of "patronizing" volunteers with low standards that reflect badly on the "name" of Jesus and the Church, we should honor them by guiding them into doing truly extraordinary things! (If you wonder why I'm so passionate about volunteers, I have spent much of my life in "unpaid" ministry positions...and to this point everyone, including myself, is a volunteer at actionchurch.)

I certainly don't plan to scream insults and curses at staff and volunteers like Chef Ramsey does to "keep standards high"! I'm pretty sure the "love your neighbor thing" pretty much rules out that kind of behavior. However, I've been reading Nehemiah , and he made "the Chef" look kind of tame when it came to protecting the "name" of his "organization"... Nehemiah 13:25 "I rebuked them and called curses down on them. I beat some of the men and pulled out their hair. .. (link) Yeow! I think I'd rather work at Hell's Kitchen...

Monday, July 30, 2007

Has anyone tried this?

Has anyone tried this? I did but I honestly can't decide if I "like" it or not. I do have the desire to wear a white jumpsuit and have a television in every room of our house. ...of course to be completely truthful, I had both of those "desires" before I ate the peanut butter and "nanner" cup!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

What, When, Where? ...and How?

One of the first questions people have who are interested in actionchurch is "where will you be meeting?" Up to now we have had to give sort of vague, "Stay tuned, we'll announce our location soon" kind of answer. That's all about to change!

Since the earliest planning stages of this roller coaster ride we call actionchurch, one location has been our primary target...There have been other ideas for "backup" locations and even future locations, but only one targeted location for launch. The problem with that location is that it is a true "long shot" in every sense. It has never been rented to another organization, it will be melt-your-face controversial, and to top it off the venues owners think I am crazy to even "ask" to rent it for our new church. No matter how many times I was turned away, I could not get it out of my head that it was "our" location. I cannot tell you how many times I prayed that God would give us another location so I could get this insane idea out off my mind. God answered prayer...as usual, not in the way I thought he "should".

This week, against all odds, the owners agreed in principle to rent "our" launch location to us! Please pray for wisdom and favor for me as I meet with them this week to finalize all the details. I cannot wait to tell you WHERE! I cannot wait to tell you the story of how God literally "opened doors" for us to rent this venue. I do not think for a second you will think that I oversold the "hugeousity" of this announcement when you hear it... It's gonna give York county "something to talk about"!

Let's review:

What? To forever change York County PA, by putting the teachings of Jesus Christ into "action". To see people who currently don't even consider Jesus to be a part of their "reality", experience the "good news".

When? Launching 2.10.08 (monthly "test drive" gatherings starting 11.11.07)

Where? Announcement Coming Soon!

How? God only knows. By faith. A little piece at a time... Through the generosity and self-sacrifice of people who believe a place like actionchurch should exist in York County...

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Racing at Big Diamond tomorrow night.

Bob is racing at Big Diamond Raceway (link) Sunday night. Please pray for a safe trip and race in the "actionchurch car". We will be at the SSP (link) races August 5th and 19th...come out and "hang with us" it's a lot of fun!

Friday, July 27, 2007


For all of you visiting the actionchurch blog for the first time, welcome. Come on in, feel free to look around. Kick the tires. Look under the hood. Sneak a peak inside our medicine cabinet. Make sure to check out our actionchurch FAQ section.

I know this may seem very "different" and "strange" to you. It is. We have a cause, a mission. We are part of a movement of churches from all across America, of many different denominations and "worship styles". We have become tired of endless talk about the Bible, and "learning" about the Bible. We are bored with the endless "lectures", "practices", and "clubhouse pep talks"...we have decided to actually get on the "field" and play the "game". Our mission is to actually put the teachings of Jesus Christ into action! Our cause is to actually make the "Good News" be good for our community by being "salt and light" as Jesus taught.

If this intrigues you, perhaps raises questions you have been unwilling to ask for years...stick around. Ask those questions...maybe formulate a few new ones. If the idea of a church sponsoring a race car seems "out of bounds" or "breaking the rules and traditions" to you, we love you but please do not read this blog, it will only "offend" you more! We have only begun to "break the churchy rules" in order to share the love of Jesus Christ with our friends and neighbors. Walk away. Tell everyone you meet how "offended" you are, we would appreciate that. Because, in the words of the great philosopher Bachman Turner (Overdrive)- "You ain't seen nothin' yet".

Questions? Comments? Hate-mail? info@actionchurch.com

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Front Page!

The story about sponsoring the race car just hit the front page of the York Dispatch. It's on the news stands now so pick it up if you can. I am very happy with the story...I think Eyanna Mcmillan captured the our vision very well. They even spelled our name "right". (actionchurch- lowercase "a", one word) I will post a link when it becomes available for you "out of towners".

How can I help?

Have you ever been "put" in a situation where you are the only person available to help someone but you felt unprepared? Sometimes you just have to send up a quick prayer, use what you already "know" and get a little creative... Mr. Bean shows us what not to do.

If you don't share my "sick" affection for all things Mr. Bean, skip the video and read this. (link)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"Staying" fit...

I had an epiphany last night as I was working out, unfortunately it wasn't that I no longer crave Oreo cookies. Instead, I realized that no matter how hard I work out, I really am just trying to "maintain" my level of fitness... Every year it seems I have to work harder to stay as flexible, as strong, as fit as I was twenty years ago. Sorry to bum you out if you've never thought about that...

Here's another "bummer" I have observed in ministry over the years. People who are relatively "young" in the faith are more likely to tell their friends about Jesus than those who have been "Christians" for years. They tend to be more passionate, more joyful, more flexible, more likely to serve others than those you have been in church for twenty years. It seems like so many times followers of Jesus start out healthy and fit and somehow church "sucks the life" out of them. Shouldn't it be the opposite? What's the answer, should we warn those who are new to the faith to stay away from churches?

What if we as "church people" are completely "off" when it comes to "spiritual maturity"? What if Christianity isn't a "union shop" and "seniority" isn't the measure of "maturity"? What if those who "sit around" in church for twenty years "just learning" aren't "growing" but are instead atrophying ? What if instead of trying to encourage new followers of Jesus to act more like "dried up" old church people, we warned them that they would have to "work out" in acts of service, joyful living, faith, etc. to maintain their "flexibility" and passion for Jesus. What if those of us who are "older" in the faith would be a little less proud of the knowledge and wisdom we have gained over the years much more serious about maintaining our "childlike" faith and love for Jesus? As usual, I don't have an "answer" yet...but I am definitely going to keep thinking about this. How about you?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"opening up"

I got my teeth cleaned yesterday and a new hygienist got the "pleasure" of working on my "38 years of drinking Mountain Dew and eating m&ms" teeth and gums. I was comfortable with my "old" hygienist, she knew all my dental "faults" (it would take a whole staff of another kind of professional to deal with all my non-dental faults.) Why is it so much harder to "open up" to someone new?

The whole experience reminded me of what true christian community is all about. (Hows that for an advertisement? " Hanging with Christians is like getting your teeth cleaned.") It can be a little uncomfortable at times, but "opening up" to our fellow followers of Jesus is the only way we can truly live a "clean and healthy" life... What do you think?

Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results. James 5:16 nlt

Monday, July 23, 2007

...a completely unrelated post.

This is completely unrelated to this post (link) but I sure do love American Chopper on TLC. I love watching them build "theme bikes" for corporations. I don't think they've ever built one for a church. Can you imagine what "compelling television" it would be if they built a "theme bike" for a new church and then donated it to the pastor so he could "spread the gospel" in style. I'm just sayin'...

Lord I appologize....

Not for sale

In May I posted this (link) about a show I really love, King of Cars. I got an email from A&E Television last week asking me to write another post promoting the new King of Cars DVD set. In exchange they offered a percentage of sales from this link or free merchandise. I think this is a really innovative marketing plan on their part, I'm flattered they chose this blog to be part of it, I love the show...but I still told them "no thanks"! Why? Because the purpose of this blog is to spread the dream and vision of actionchurch, not sell DVDs for A&E Television!

I think this is a good "teaching moment" for us all, so "gather around". We are blessed to have a very clear and compelling vision for actionchurch. (link) We know we are called to put the teachings of Jesus into action. We know we are to be "salt and light" to York county. In my experience though, good opportunities and good people will always come along to distract you from that vision! As we grow, more and more people will offer us "good opportunities" if we will just do something that is "not exactly" in our vision for actionchurch. They will promise financial support and promotion if we will "only tweak the vision to do this one little thing". They will say "your church could be so much more successful if only you would "do" or "be" more....". We will always politely say "no thanks!" Anything that does not fall directly into the vision we have been give is a distraction, plain and simple.

Allow me to speak clearly. I have heard pastors say that "people are more important than vision statements, so you have to be flexible to meet people's needs." That sounds reasonable, sensitive, compassionate even. Unfortunately it is also pure crap! If you believe you received your church vision "from God" then who is more important than him? If we become willing to "prostitute" the vision and direction of our churches for money we may as well post our church vision on EBay and at least let it go to the highest bidder! Secondly, once we open up the leadership and vision of our church to "the highest bidder" people will actually "want" completely opposing things. One will promise support if you would be "slightly more traditional" while another "bidder" will want you to be "more cutting edge". How do you decide between competing "interests"? Do you "pick" the one who gives the most money? Or perhaps the one who has been there the longest? It all leads to confusion, distraction, and eventually inaction.

I do not believe we (actionchurch) have the "best vision", the "only vision", or even the "correct vision" for doing church! We do however have a vision that we will convey to our community in the clearest way possible. Whether is accepted or rejected, it is not for sale!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

action heroes-"Going out of your way".

How has your week been? Have you been able to use you "position" in life to help someone? I've heard a couple great stories about people being "action heroes" this week. The first story is very funny but impossible to "tell". Let's just say that our unnamed "action hero" showed hospitality to a young magazine salesman who desperately needed to use the restroom. Hilarity ensued as the "gastricly distressed" salesman proceeded to re-enact the bathroom scene in Dumb and Dumber for what seemed like an eternity. Meanwhile our "heroine" was on the phone with her husband who was hovering between calling the police, an ambulance, or rushing home to kick down the bathroom door as the minutes ticked away. In the end (pun intended) everything was okay as a very appreciative and pale salesman did finally emerge from the "facilities."

Millie in Idaho started her story of helping "someone" by asking if it "counted" to help lost animals. She went on to tell about finding two dogs who had escaped from their yard running loose in the street. With the help of her family she was able to capture the dog's, leave a note for their owner, and "dog sit" the animals at her home until the owner could pick them up. It's a great story so I'll let her tell it:

" There was one point in time that I asked myself, "IS this really worth it to help these two tiny creatures? After all, you are tired, hot, not feeling well, on and on goes the scenario. BUT, helping others isn't always "convenient"---usually NEVER convenient! :) I felt God was saying, "How many times have I helped you through difficulties"? Well, needless to say, I DID remember and I KNEW He wanted me to help these little balls of fur!!!!! It's just like us with Him. We are all running all over the place, THINKING we are having a ball, ignoring all of the danger signs!
Those two little guys certainly taught ME a lesson! I was having a really difficult day dealing with "things" and wasn't in any "mood" to be helping others/other things! :) I had been asking God to give me someone I could encourage and help, and look what he sent my way-------------2 fur balls that needed someone to rescue them from their escape from home!!!!! GOOD LESSON IN THIS EXAMPLE!!! God DOES HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR!!!!

Wow, As a pet owner I can just imagine how thankful those dog owners were that someone went so far "out of their way" to help them. Let's let these stories be the inspiration for our next "mission".

Mission #2. Go "out of your way" to help someone. Do something "inconvenient", something "over the top" something "too much" to help someone this week... We would love to hear your story this week in either the comments or at info@actionchurch.com

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Reagan helped me wash the cars today. She's been "helping" me since she could barely walk but today she wanted to earn 50 cents to buy some stickers, so it was her first car washing "job". Since she doesn't read this,(she's 4 after all) I can tell you that she isn't really a "help" to me. When she "helps" I usually end up drenched from being sprayed by the hose, and the job takes twice as long. You know what though, I love having her "work" with me!

I think God looks at our efforts as his children to "earn" his blessing or attention much like I look at my daughter's efforts to "earn" money by helping me wash the cars. God can do whatever we can do better and faster without us...but he loves to have us "help" him. So many times we think we are "earning" when he knows we are actually "learning" to be more like him.

Speaking of learning , the picture is of Reagan washing the wheels on her own "ride"... Just like Daddy. That's my girl.

Friday, July 20, 2007

"feats of unlimitedness"

It's no secret around here that I have big hopes and dreams for what God can do in York County. One thing that I really haven't even dared to hope for was any kind of encouragement and support from other churches in the area... Once again I was wrong.

I met yesterday with the staff of Friendship Community Church in Dover. I love when a church "lives up to their name" (ex. actionchurch) and these guys truly do! Their Pastor, Dennis Hall planted the church 15 years ago, and their worship pastor Rich Thornton and family pastor Mike Miller both have church planting experience also. It was so encouraging to see their new building, hear their plans for the future, and the stories from the past of how their church grew for 12 years in the local YMCA. Very inspiring! I have and will learn a lot from these guys.

I actually met Pastor Dennis and Rich in Washington DC, at Buzz conference... I definitely do not think that was an "accident" . So thanks so much guys a great lunch and "showing yourselves friendly". Thanks God for amazing me once again with another "feat of unlimitedness". Sorry Verizon I love my "chocolate" phone ...but God has you beat in that area!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lending to God?

I ran across this verse last night in our family Bible reading.

If you help the poor, you are lending to the LORD � and he will repay you!
Proverbs 19:17 (nlt)

It really sounded "strange" to me the first time I read it. Does God really need a loan? From me? I thought he had everything. Is God an eternal "tightwad" who is sitting on piles of cash but never reaches for the check at dinner?

After thinking about it here's what I came up with: Walmart and Microsoft don't need a "loan" from me-or you! However, both companies will allow us to invest in their companies by buying stock. When you have invested in a company you have in a sense loaned them money in hopes they can turn it into even more money! God is offering us a chance to invest in "God Inc." when we help those who don't have enough. He even promises to repay us! Sounds like a sweet investment opportunity to me!

For more of the "fine print details" about investing in God's plan for earth, click here. (link) Both the "interest" and the "penalties" are incredible.

Two things I'm not too proud of...

1. I want to see this movie-seriously. Even the previews make me laugh.

2. Michele is getting this CD set (link) for my birthday-It's the only thing I asked for. I can't wait.

What is wrong with me?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

613,335 reasons

We just reserved a spot for the "big black tent" in the York Fair. We will be located right across from the 105.7 "the X" (link) tent. I'm excited about that...105.7 is my favorite station so at least I know we should have some good tunes playing at the tent.

What we know:

  • The York Fair is Sept 7-16th this year (link)
  • The Concert line-up this year is awesome. Daughtry, Hinder, Carrie Underwood, Trace Adkins etc. (link) I really,really, really, want to see Daughtry...
  • We will be serving Free Coffee and Hot Chocolate, and giving away actionchurch balloons and invite cards (for our 11.11.07 "test-drive" service)

What we're working on:

  • How do you serve great free coffee to over 600,000 people?
  • How many people will it take to staff the tent for over 80 hours we plan to be "open". (To be honest, more than we have right now.)
  • How much will it cost? (More than we have right now.)

Why we would even want to attempt this:

  • In order to connect with people who normally don't go to church, we must go where churches normally don't go...
  • It's an actionchurch "tradition" to do events that are some how "out of our league"! (link)
  • 600,000+ people who will attend the Fair this year, many of them have not been introduced to a church that engaged them enough to attend. All of them need to meet a "church of action" who wants to meet them, and put a great cup of coffee in their hands...no strings attached.

Got any answers? Are you part of the "Solution" ? Email me at info@actionchurch.com

Stay tuned for more updates!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

You Can do it, We can help.

I'm inspired by Home Depot commercials. Really. Not the ones with Tony Stewart doing donuts in the infield (OK, maybe a little) but I am inspired by the ones telling the stories of ordinary people who repaired their homes with the help of Home Depot materials and "know how". My favorite is the one where the single mom recounts how many "trips" to Home Depot it took for her to patch and paint her damaged drywall. I love the look of accomplishment and pride on her face... I love their slogan: You can do it, We can help. I think "church" could learn a lot from Home Depot!

For years the Church has said just the opposite. They have said in words and actions: " We can do it, you should help! " We (the church) can reach the community if you will give enough money to support our programs and build our buildings. We can change this county if only you would volunteer more, teach more classes, attend more classes...help us. We can "reach" your friends, families, and neighbors if you will bring them to our "salvation professionals". We can change "you" if only you would spend more time listening to our preaching and studying our information . Results show they were wrong.

What if Church operated more like Home Depot? What if it taught things you could actually take home and use to "repair" your world? (Last time I checked, the Home Depot didn't offer classes on the history of drywall...they do have a class on how to actually repair it though.) What if you could be certain that the money you gave would result in more "materials and hardware" being released into the community-instead of just building a bigger organization? What if the church's biggest "advertisement" was stories of people (action heroes) who had "repaired" their world? That's just the kind of place I dreamed of from the very beginning of actionchurch. That dream inspired me to write these words:

What if there was a place...

...where you could be yourself and still fit in?..

...that cared more about doing good in the community, than looking good to the community?

...that would never lecture you, bore you, or waste your time?.

..where your skills and experiences could actually make a difference in York county, no matter who you are?

...where each week you could hear one practical idea of how to live a more satisfying, meaningful life-instead of being overloaded with pointless information?

What if that place turned out to be a church?

You can do it, We can help!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Does this make me look fat?

Bob (race car owner/driver) and I did a photo shoot with the "actionchurch car" for the York Dispatch today. Here's a couple of pictures Michele snapped. I'll post a link for the article as soon as I find out when it runs. Michele kept calling it a "press conference" which really made me laugh. I could just imagine, "Ladies and gentlemen of the press, we've called you out to this hot parking lot to introduce you to the new sponsors of the Bob Lash Racing #222 car..."

Bowling Balls and Bibles.

I had and epiphany as I walked into church yesterday. The people who bring their own Bibles to church are like the people that have their own ball and shoes at the bowling alley...they must be in a "league" I don't know about.

I guess that makes the dudes with the Bible covers with handles like the bowlers who not only have their own ball and shoes but also wear the "pro" glove and wrist support thingee.

I'm just sayin'...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

This is the Truth...

I've been wanting to post this for a while. Thanks to Granger Community Church (link) for "turning it upside down".

action heroes: How's your mission?

So how was your week? Did you have a chance to use your position to help someone? If you're new to the blog you can "get up to speed" here and here. Did you miss an opportunity to help someone and regret it later? Perhaps you took an opportunity to help someone and regretted it later...I've heard some interesting stories this week.

I can't say that I "regret" taking part in the "mission" this week. It was difficult, but I did learn something that might help all of us on our mission to become "action heroes". I'll spare you the details but in the "territorial" world of contracting that I work in being "on schedule" makes you "right". I know those standards may seem amazingly high but in "contractor world" just showing up on the day you said you would to do your job makes you "the man". This may be shocking to an "industry outsider" but some contractors don't show up when they say they will. Some (gasp) don't even follow through on promises they make! I ran into just that "rare" sort of contractor this week that was behind schedule and a few bad excuses short of the good graces of the site supervisor. I had a decision to make. I could use my "rightness" and my "position" to kick everyone else out, and get my painting done as scheduled. (That's what the supervisor suggested) Or, I could extend mercy to the "offenders" and work around and with them until they caught back up.

I chose "mercy" and I wish I could say everything went easily from that point on. In reality, it made my week even more difficult. No one said thank you. In fact, I'm not sure that my kindness was not viewed as weakness by the other contractors. Being "nice" may make it harder to defend my "territory" in the future. Oh, well... I did learn this: Sometimes the only way to "use" your position to help others is the "give up the rights" of your position... Kind of like the "ultimate action hero"!

6 Though he (Jesus) was God, he did not demand and cling to his rights as God. 7 He made himself nothing; he took the humble position of a slave and appeared in human form. 8 And in human form he obediently humbled himself even further by dying a criminal's death on a cross. Phillipians 2:6-8

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Quote of the week:

I'm not sure if this will make the York Dispatch article...but it made me laugh! It also gives an insight into how people who are not church attenders view churches.

When asked by the reporter if he thought we (actionchurch) had started a trend, and other Churches in the area might sponsor race cars, Bob (owner/driver) replied: "I don't think so, I'm pretty sure the other churches want my money. I don't see any of them cutting me a check."

Bob and his wife Joan have been so good to us throughout this whole endeavor. I count it a real privilege to be able to sponsor their race team. Besides, I always love working with plain-spoken people who have something to say and the courage to say it!

Friday, July 13, 2007


We went to the "wrap up" meeting for the York Relay for Life last night and I think I learned something valuable about assimilation.

Here's what I noticed last night. This was not my first Relay for Life meeting. In fact we attended a rally or team meeting every month before the relay. I noticed that something felt different last night. I felt like "part of the team". I felt like I "knew" people. It felt more like family last night...so much so that my new "family" felt comfortable making fun of the fact that I can't fill out a form properly to save my life. (Can anyone say-administrator needed?)

So what changed? Relay! One night of serving together for a common cause did more for "assimilation" than all the rallies and meetings. It makes me think that the best way to move someone from "spectator" to "team member" or "family" in church is not to fill their lives with more meetings and classes, but to actually get them out onto the "playing field" of life-serving others, together. It certainly worked for me...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sunday School Song Questions

If Vh1 ever does a "40 top Sunday School Songs of all time" countdown, what do you think the Number one song would be? (It could happen, they already counted down the 40 most softsational soft rock songs.) My vote is for "Jesus Loves Me" in the top spot, with "This little Light of Mine" and "Jesus Loves the Little Children" rounding out the top ten. Did I miss any?

I can't imagine any song could beat "Jesus Loves Me" on the countdown. Does anyone in America not know that song...even if they never stepped foot in a Sunday School their whole childhood?

I wonder if "Jesus Loves Me" is so ingrained in the thinking of American church goers that it affects the way we "do" Christianity. I'm not "hatin on" Jesus loves me...It was the first song we taught Reagan...she calls it "The bible so". Although it is always dangerous for me, I'm just thinking out loud.

What if we "did" our lives as Christ-Followers a little less "Jesus Loves Me" and a little more "Jesus loves the little Children of the World"? What if our lives were a little less "They are weak but he is strong" and a little more "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine"? What if the message of the church was a little less "for the Bible tells me so", and a little more "Red and Yellow Black and White, all are precious in his sight"? Would a simple change in focus and attitude change the way we connect with the world around us? I think so.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Planning -vs- Preparation.

I think as followers of Jesus we are so sincerely amazed by the things we see God doing that we naturally say stuff like "It was all God" or "It was way beyond anything I could have planned". We do it out of a sincerely thankful heart. I have found myself saying those very words lately as I talked about sponsoring the "actionchurch car". I don't think we should ever stop being thankful or in "awe" of what God does. I'm beginning to think though, that it is not good leadership to "leave out" the details of our preparation as we share our stories. In doing so we allow people to think that serving Jesus is more like playing the lottery, than the hard work that it actually is. It can sound like we just pray and once in a while "our number comes up" and God does amazing things...

I find in both scripture and life that God does amazing things we could never "plan", when we have busted our butts to be "prepared"! Noah (Evan) could never have "planned" for "his" boat to be guided through the worst flood in history, land on the top of a mountain, and allow him and his immediate family to repopulate the earth! However, there was the little matter of "preparing" by spending about 100 years building the ark!

I'm really excited about sponsoring the "actionchurch car" this year. It's definitely a "God thing" I could have never planned for these opportunities. However, last year, preparing our logos and "image" was some of the most difficult, expensive, and seemingly slow moving portion (3 months) of this thing we call "actionchurch". I am so thankful we were obedient to God's plan or we would have never been prepared for the opportunities we have encountered lately.

Are there any "preparations" you feel like you should be making? Are you ignoring making those preparations because God has not "revealed the plan" to you? Remember, it wasn't enough for Noah to "pray about" the ark, journal about the ark, or talk to his pastor about the ark...he had to build it long before he ever even saw rain. Without preparation, that story could have turned out very differently.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bird "Trouble"

We had this "trouble" a couple of years ago also. A bird built a nest in the wreath on our front door. When these little guys hatch the problems really begin. First of all, we can't use our front door...since the door opens inward, when you open the door you are bringing the "bird family" into the house. Secondly, Michele can't change the wreath...I would personally probably still have the "Christmas wreath" on the front door, but according to her "it just isn't done"! Finally, when these little guys hatch they are going to be noisy, demanding, and poop all over our front door! So why do we put up with this "problem"? Because they are alive and I'm not going to toss their little lives in the garbage because it's inconvenient to me!

Our little "bird family" reminds me of all kinds of "new life". Pretty much all forms of "new life" from puppies, to babies, to new followers of Jesus are a lot alike. New life is messy, noisy, inconvenient, and "demanding" of our time and resources. For actionchurch to be a place filled with new followers of Jesus on a consistent basis, we must decide now to be the kind of church that loves "new life". We must love new followers of Jesus even when it gets messy, noisy, and demanding of our resources. We must decide now to never toss lives in the "garbage" because it's inconvenient for us to deal with them.

God, please help us be the kind of church that consistently fosters new life. Fill our hearts with love and our meetings with messy, noisy, "inconvenient" new followers of you...just like the new baby birds you sent to us. Except for the whole pooping on the door thing... Amen

Monday, July 9, 2007

action heroes: intro

There's a reason that this video was at the top of the countdown for so long... Take the time to watch it (again?). I don't know about you, but even though the video moves me with its accounts of people's actions who single handedly changed history, I can't imagine doing something so "heroic". Each account seems "bigger than life", somehow out of reach.

I am convinced; however, that each of us can change the "history" of someone by simply living out the lifestyle Jesus taught when he walked the earth. Each of us can be "salt and light" to those around us. I believe God's loving nature is best illustrated by the fact that he not only has an amazing eternal plan for those who chose to follow him, but also makes the primary "business" of his followers to improve the lives of those who choose not to follow him....simply amazing.

At actionchurch we believe so much in the power of the "stories" of simple kindness and generosity that we plan to take time each week in our short one hour meeting to tell the stories of our "action heroes". We believe "if it matters, count it!"(link) I've decided to start now! I am amazed at the number of people who chose to gather at this blog each week. I hope each of you will chose to join in our first mission. I hope each of you will report back with your stories in the comments or email (info@actionchurch.com) Please do not feel like you are "bragging" by sharing your stories...you can even be anonymous...its' the Internet after all. No matter where in the country you live I hope you will join in, because I know if you do it will be an amazing experience both for you , and the people you "bless". You were born to be an action hero!

action heroes: 1st mission.

If you haven't read the intro (link) please take time to do so:

Our 1st mission: Use your "position" to help someone (show God's kindness)...with no strings attached.

Soon after David became King of Israel, the bible says he began "wondering if anyone in Saul's family was alive so he could show God's kindness to". Saul was not only the king that preceded him. but the dude who had tried to kill him-for years. In spite of their bad history David used his "position" as king to help one of Saul's descendants... Read the complete story. (link)

How can you use your "position" in life to help someone? Someone you don't know. Someone who might not deserve it. How can you (and I) show "God's kindness" to someone through our "position" God has blessed us with. Each of us have a "position". Stay at home mom, manager, employee, coach, etc...everyone has one. The question is, how can you use that position to show Gods kindness??? I'll get started in the comments with my story. God speed on your mission!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Church too big?

I was talking to someone this week who used the word "mega-church" in a sentence like a "bad word". We were talking about Church and this person said "I would never want to attend one of those "mega-churches" like my mother does. I want to go to a church where everyone knows me, and my family sits in the same pew each week." I didn't argue...I just said that there are plenty of churches like that...I'm sure you'll find one. (It's kind of like someone looking for a "boxy" subcompact or an "egg-shaped' mini-van, chances are good that they will find one-where ever they look.)

As we prepare to launch actionchurch we are currently attending a "dreaded mega church". LCBC is "Big" in all the right ways. Big in vision, big in impact in their community, and really big in attendance. Can I tell you something though? I am completely finished with the argument about how "big" a church should be. I'm Done! I've come to believe after hearing the same "big churches are bad" arguments from both pastors and attenders that: A person's "ideal size" church is determined by their understanding of the purpose of the local church.

Here's my thinking:

  • If you think church is a "place to learn": Big classroom = "bad"/ Little classroom = "good"
  • If you think church is a place to be "fed": Crowded restaurant = "bad"/ Half empty buffet = "good" (As long as there is plenty of food to stuff your face.)
  • If you think church is a place to care for your "hurts and ills": Crowded doctors office = "bad"/ Personal physician = "good".
  • If you think church is the local gathering of "kingdom revolutionaries" who's mission is to "conquer" your city with "salt and light": Big revolutionary force = good!!!/ Small revolutionary force = not as effective.

actionchurch wants to gather "kingdom revolutionaries". The more the better! Even if that means "everyone doesn't know everyone", the parking lot is crowded, and you might not get "your seat". Viva la revolucion!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Coming Soon: "action heroes"

From the beginning, this blog has been about sharing the dream and vision of actionchurch with anyone who cared to follow along. First of all thanks to all of you who join us each week...I'm blown away. Something has been bothering me recently though. At actionchurch, "action is our first name"...wow does that sound corny- but true. We believe in "a little less talk and a lot more action". Yet so far, this blog has been mostly informational in nature...that's about to change! I think I have a way that we can all "play along at home" as we gather at this blog each week.
Stay tuned for a new "feature" called action heroes!

Disclaimer: Don't worry, we are not developing "actionchurch: the board game." action heroes will not involve forwarding hokey religious emails to "ten of your friends as-soon as-possible-before-they-fry-in-the-pits-of-hell"! action heroes will not involve cashing large cashiers checks for my uncle who just happens to be a Prince in Nigeria. Relax, there will be no prayer cloths or anointing oil to purchase. If you do choose to participate, I believe it could be one of the most rewarding things you do each week...no matter what state or city you live in!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Parable of the Car Club...

There once was a Father with teenagers, lots of them, too many to count. The Father loved his children, every single one of them. As you can imagine, the most "important" thing to teenagers was having a vehicle to drive, they simply "couldn't live without one". Since the Father knew that his children would never be able to purchase a car on their own, he decided to provide a car for each of his children.

Although the Father was extravagantly generous he did put a few simple conditions on receiving the new car. He loved each of his children, so he requested that in order to receive the car each child would have to come personally to him and ask for the keys so that he could enjoy the "moment" with them. Anyone who became a new car "owner" would also be responsible for caring for and cleaning their new car. Finally, because he loved even his children who might reject his generous offer, the father requested of each child who came to him to request "their" keys that they agree to use their cars to "serve" their brothers and sisters who had not taken advantage of his generous offer.

Over time, many of the Fathers children received their new cars. Others decided they would try to purchase one on their own. Some resented the Father for "manipulating" them with his "free offer". Others were content to walk.

Some of the "new drivers" drove recklessly and didn't care for their "free cars". Others were so cautious about damage that they never really enjoyed driving...they just polished their shiny cars in the driveway. A vast majority of the new drivers formed "car clubs" where they gathered to study their drivers manual, give thanks to the father for their cars, and plan ways to best serve their brothers and sisters who chose not to accept the offer from the father. Over time, the car clubs became more about "deep manual study", car cleaning training, and riding around with other car owners. Some of the "car owners" did remember to serve their non-driving brothers and sisters. Sometimes their cars got dirty going to some off-road place to pick up a stranded non-driver. Sometimes they were so busy running errands for their brothers and sisters that they missed car club. Sometimes car club members looked down on them for all their contact with non-drivers. However, through their service and efforts, many non-drivers saw the benefit of being a "driver". Many former non-drivers even requested a new car. That made the Father very happy.

16 "This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. 17 God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again John 3;16-17 (the message)

Racing Update:

Without turning this completely into a "racing blog", I do want to give a quick update on what is happening with "team actionchurch".

  • We went to the race on the 3rd and had a lot of fun. There were lots more families there than I imagined. I see a lot of potential to connect with our community at the track.
  • We heard from the Track owner through our driver...we will be able to have a hospitality tent at the track as long as we don't give away something they sell at the concession stand. We are very OK with that! We're thinking of giving away actionchurch balloons for the kids, stickers, and a food item yet to be named. Stay tuned.
  • Our next races on the schedule are both Sunday night races. August 5th and 19th. One of those dates will be when we set up the "big black tent"... I'll let you know when the date is confirmed.
  • Thanks for all your prayers and emails. I had a really enjoyable talk with Eyana McMillan from the York Dispatch... I'll keep you posted on when the story will hit the paper.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

York Dispatch Interview

I'll be sitting down today with a reporter from the York Dispatch to talk about actionchurch and why a church would sponsor a race car. This will be my first time doing an interview of any kind so please pray for me. Part of our strategy is that "the good news should make the news", so we are hoping that we can develop a good relationship with local media and God will use that relationship to help spread the word about our cause. So far, both local papers have shown interest in running stories about our "racing adventure."

I'm not "nervous" about speaking to a reporter...and if you've read this blog for more than a minute you know I am not lacking for "something to say". My main concerns that I am praying for are these:

  1. That God will be pleased with what I say.
  2. That I will share the cause and mission of actionchurch in the clearest and most attractive manner.
  3. That I will completely "positive" as I speak....always talking about what actionchurch is and will be...instead of talking about what other churches do not do!

Thanks for your prayers.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Thanks America...

I'm actually going to "celebrate" much of Independence Day by working, but that doesn't mean I am not thinking about what this day means. As simple and as unsophisticated as it may be, I really want to say Thanks...

Thanks America...

  • for allowing me to work where and how I think will best provide for my family.
  • for allowing me to worship freely.
  • for allowing me the freedom to express my opinions and beliefs even if when they are not popular. (or even particularly well stated)
  • for allowing me access to information of all kinds., Good, Bad, Silly or Inspired.
  • for allowing me to gather my friends, family, and neighbors together to do this thing we call "church".

Finally I am thankful to be born here, in America, for "such a time as this".

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


We celebrated our daughter Reagan's 4th birthday yesterday. (It's actually today, but Monday is our family day off, and have you ever met a four year old who would not want to get their presents a day early?)

One of my "Daddy Duties" is to remove toys from their packaging. ("Mommy Duties" include: buying the presents, making the cake, buying the decorations, answering at least a million questions about the presents, cake, and decorations, and putting up with me. ) It may seem like "no big deal" to remove the packaging from toys (especially when compared to Michele's list) but it is a serious pain! Some time in the last few years toy companies have fallen in love with wire ties and twist wraps. I consider myself to be a pretty mechanically apt sort of guy, but it is seriously easier to pull the engine out of my old truck than it is to get Barbie out of her package! (Besides pointing out the fact that I really should consider being a "hand model", the picture to the left shows how much "hardware" is used to secure a single toy...seriously)

What does this have to do with anything? Just this: I'm sure the toy companies have a "good reason" for packaging their products like they're made of plutonium. I'm sure it makes for less shipping breakage. I bet it cuts down on in-store pilferage. (I can barely get the box open at home with an afternoon and a garage full of power tools at my disposal.) They've simply forgotten one little aspect of their business... the consumer!

Packaging matters! We may be "selling" the "Best News Ever" as churches but if we forget to "package" it in a way that is accessible to the public we have failed! Consider this: Surveys show that Americans get most of their information and "opinion guidance" from Movies, Television, Magazines, Websites and Blogs...yet the primary method churches use to communicate the Good News is the "Lecture" (preaching). When is the last time you or one of your neighbors or friends attended a "public lecture"? Before the proliferation of inexpensive printing and of course electronic media, public lectures we quite popular and well attended. Churches and "revivals" were also... Hmmm. I'm not suggesting that we should discontinue preaching, I am a preacher after all. I'm just saying that opening our church buildings on Sunday mornings and wondering why more of our friends and neighbors don't attend our "God lecture" may not be the best packaging. What is "good" and "comfortable" for the Church may be a real pain to "unwrap" for our non-church attending friends, family, and neighbors...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Steamy Hot Race Car Pics!

The graphics are on the car and trailer and we are ready to go racing! Bob Lash and his wife Joan have been so kind to let us put our "mark" on so much expensive equipment for such a small amount of sponsorship dollars...we owe them big time! We will be racing at Susquehanna Raceway (link) Tuesday night (July 3rd). I will post a full schedule later this week. We have plans to have a hospitality tent at the track later this summer. Also, Bob has been kind enough to offer to bring this "rig" to our outdoor community events to draw attention to our tent...the possibilities are really amazing! I've started a new "actionchurch racing" blog category to make it easy to follow along.
Edit: I forgot to thank the crew at Fast Signs for doing such a great (and fast) job on the vinyl graphics!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

A confession...

I've been realizing lately how in how many ways I have been guilty of breaking the 2nd Commandment in my lifetime. For those of you keeping score at home that's the one about "taking the Lords name in vain" or as more modern translations say misusing God's name.

I have Taken the Lord's name in Vain as an American by using God's hatred of certain behaviors to condemn whole groups of people...instead of loving them as he commanded.

I have Taken the Lord's name in Vain as a friend and neighbor by promising to "pray" for someone when a more honest retort would be, "I'm sorry you shared that disturbing bit of information, I'm far too self-absorbed to do a single thing to help you."

I have taken the Lord's name in Vain as a church attender by claiming to be a "Christian" when in truth I was much more a half-hearted adherent to my churches rules and regulations than an actual "Follower of Jesus".

I have Taken the Lord's name in Vain as a preacher by claiming to teach the "Word of God" when in fact I hadn't heard anything from God in weeks...but since I was teaching the usual "Bible Trivia" that people expect from preachers, no one complained.

I have Taken the Lord's name in Vain as a child of God by confessing sins "in the name of Jesus" that I had no intention of actually quitting...I just wanted to feel less guilty and more "righteous".

...and yes, if you're wondering, I have said those two little words you are undoubtedly thinking right now. Somehow I think that is perhaps the smallest way in which I have "misused the name of God". .... I'm pretty sure God thinks so too.

Truly Funny

They say for something to be funny it must have an element of truth in it. I think this video is so funny because it is so true. Sit back and enjoy a little slice...