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Posted by
Don Record
9:18 PM
Labels: actionchurch happenings
"I'm not convinced that your date of death is the date carved on your tombstone. Most people die long before that . We start dying when we have nothing worth living for. And we don't start living until we find something worth dying for." -Mark Batterson
Posted by
Don Record
6:47 AM
Labels: Quote of the week
We're gonna be "busting" some myths about the Bible this week. The scary thing is that I'm gonna be using a metaphor for scripture that I have never heard anyone use before... I don't make a practice of repeating what other preachers/writers say...but this is an idea that came to me that is really "out there". An idea that I have been rolling around in my head for some time. Something that seems to make "too much sense". We'll see.
I'm glad you all can txt in during the service...instead of just asking for questions and comments I'm gonna ask people to tell me "what's wrong with this analogy?". I'm really not sure some days if I have had an "original idea" or if all the paint fumes are starting (!?) to get to me :-)
I picked up a really nasty "virus" on my computer Monday. I dropped my firewall just for a moment to "allow" in a web page for Reagan's online school and BAM! it hit me. It started out with a few annoying pop-ups but before long it had completely overtaken my desktop and main menu. I tried to fight it...in fact I went to bed Monday night thinking I had it "beaten". I woke up yesterday morning to find my laptop on, (I had put it "to sleep") frozen, and jam packed with spam and "malware". My machine had been busily allowing in more "bad guys" while I slept. I knew that I needed help.
Once I admitted the virus was "to much for me" to handle, I decided to call in the professionals. Michele (thank you) took my laptop to the various "geek squads" in town to see if they could start it up and remove the virus. They were mainly interested in selling a "warranty package", a new computer, or charging a couple of hundred dollars to wipe the hard drive and reinstall windows. No thanks! I searched on the Internet and the software isle for a "fix". Some people wanted more money. Others scolded me for getting the virus in the first place. The "mac cult" bragged about how apple products don't get virus' (Thanks Josiah:-)
In the end I found a step by step set of instructions on the net about how to remove "my" particular virus from someone else who had experienced it. I downloaded a free scanner...it took a lot of time...it was a process not a "quick fix"...but my laptop is now malware free and better than ever. Thank you kind "stranger".
My "virus" is a lot like sin... It creeps up on you. Temptation hits you just at the moment your defences are down. You think you can handle it...but it will eventually take over everything and leave you with nothing . It's too big for us to handle alone and everyone faces it (even mac users). The question is how will we as people...and together as a church...relate to those "fighting" the affects of sin in their lives? Will we lecture...or scold? Try to enrich ourselves by "helping" others? Or will we be the "kind stranger" who shares our step-by-step battles with our own personal "virus"? Who points others to the "free scanner" for no other reason that we have been "set free"?
Thank you "kind stranger"...you saved my laptop...but more than that you reminded me why we do actionchurch each week...
Posted by
Don Record
7:09 AM
Okay, I promised I would get to the text messages that came in during the service on Sunday and technically it's still Tuesday... I've been battling a really vicious virus on my PC (more about that later.) Here they are:
Q: Do u think that sometimes our prayers aren't answered because our suffering can create in us a compassionate heart more sensitive to the suffering of others?
Me: Excellent point... absolutely. There are many examples in scripture of God allowing people to suffer for a time. (Job, Joseph, David, Daniel...etc.) Almost every "great" story in the Bible includes (unfortunately for us sometimes) suffering. I think that's why God commands us to "bear each others burdens" to be compassionate and loving to each other...because suffering is simply unavoidable...but at least we can hold each other up as we go through life.
Q. Do your parents support the direction you have gone with actionchurch?
Me: I'm pretty sure this question comes because I mentioned that my dad is a (recently retired) baptist minister. At first my parents were honestly pretty horrified when I first told them we were going to be starting a church in a bar. As Midwest baptists they get pretty offended if someone tossed a beer can on the church lawn... In August they came out from Missouri and attended a service at Fat Daddy's (with a metal band that day) and have been very supportive ever since. I guess what speaks most is that they now give financially every month to actionchurch even though they are retired and far from wealthy. I love and appreciate them both...and often ask my dad questions during the week about areas of the scriptures I am unsure about.
Q. How do you pray? Do you just pray to God like you are talking to a friend?
Me: Exactly! Only God is the very best friend you could have...one that won't leave you...betray you...one that you can tell anything, because he already knows. Make no mistake God is absolutely to be "feared"...but he allows us to approach him boldly...not as cowering subjects, but as sons, daughters..."friends". I hope lots of you are praying Honest, Humble, Hopeful prayers this week!
We just had the three questions this week...I hope to have more next week and see some of them on the screens. Thanks!
Posted by
Don Record
11:53 PM
Labels: Txt Tuesdays
Great to be back. I'll take my "worst" day at actionchurch...over a day anywhere else. Can't wait 'til next week as we "blow up" myths about the Bible...including one that I think will shock most of you.
Posted by
Don Record
4:47 PM
Labels: actionchurch happenings
Posted by
Don Record
12:40 PM
Labels: church in a nightclub, church planting
Since this time last year actionchurch still wasn't meeting each Sunday, I'm looking forward to our first opportunity as a church to kick off the new year together!
A few things about Sunday:
Posted by
Don Record
6:59 AM
Labels: actionchurch happenings, preaching
...according to my new "cutest guinea pigs '09" calendar, today is the start of a brand new year. It's a chance to start new...a "re-set" for this precious gift that God gives to us each year...life.