Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Recap: "Mindset" pt 4

Today was the final week of the "Mindset" series. I talked about how the only way to truly be free of worry is to give up trying to "control" our future...and trust God to have our best interests at hard. Simple...but very difficult to do....

The Highlights:
  • The Sunday after Thanksgiving is "traditionally" known for being low in attendance...we are not a traditional church... great crowd today.
  • I loved hanging out with the "crew" for dinner... we truly have the BEST people who give their time and talents to make actionchurch happen... I am beyond grateful.
  • I wore an argyle sweater...get over it :-)
  • "Don't worry, be happy" is the most annoying video bumper we have ever used...
  • We used a clip from "It's always Sunny in Philadelphia"... I was offended :-) Thanks Rachel.
  • People keep saying that they can see when Josiah sends me and IM on my monitor...I'm sure you are all mistaken.
  • We only have ONE item left that is not spoken for for our Extreme Christmas Makeover! Thanks to everyone who is purchasing stuff for "our" family. Thanks to all of you who are donating cash to cover the stuff we purchased as a church! We are actually putting ornaments that the actionkidz made on the tree next week because it is Bare!
  • Great complement today...."I thought this would be lame...but I kinda liked it!" That's why we do actionchurch.
  • Letters for Lovers on Stage...I heard a lot of positive reviews of their performance...especially from the "ladies" I don't think we have ever had so many teenage girls at actionchurch.
  • I used the word "neckid" way too many times today...
  • I used the word "pissed" in telling the story of creation...what can I was one of those days...I guess you had to be there.
  • Had a great time hanging out with Mike and Naomi Silliman from Elk Creek Church...we are blessed to have them as friends...

I cannot wait till next week...we're kicking off the At the Movies (Christmas Edition) series...and the pledge is back on stage.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thou Shalt not Covet thy neighbor's power lift...

We take our outdoor Christmas lighting serious in my "hood". Am I a little Jealous? Guilty as charged...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving with family and friends. My plans are to hang out with the family and consume way too much pie. I will also be "consuming" way too much electricity by hanging lights on everything that doesn't move around the house... "It ain't decorated 'til you can see it from space"!

See ya on Sunday!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Extreme Christmas Makeover: Update

Status update: Sunday everyone headed for the Christmas Makeover tree like shoppers at Wal-mart after they announce that a new check out lane is actually going to open. I had people actually telling me that they "didn't get to the tree quick enough to get an ornament." Simply awesome! For those of you who didn't get an ornament...hate to shop...or just want to help out in a different can still be part of this opportunity to completely change one families life at Christmas.

What we purchased as a church "family": Yesterday we purchased the "big ticket" items on the list. (Kind of like the "big" gifts at Christmas that the whole family or office chips in on). Michele was in full "shopping ninja" mode and we shuttled back and forth between Best Buy and Circuit City matching prices, waving coupons from the Sunday paper, and just generally squeezing the most value out of every purchase. Thank God for Michele's shopping savvy...I would have got half the stuff for twice the price! We picked up a brand new GE washer/dryer set (to be delivered and installed by Best Buy on the "reveal day") An X-box 360 with two free games, a Nintendo DS for each of the kids with a free character stylus (whatever that is), and a couple of games for the Nintendos. I still have to pick up a TV (nobody beats Wal-mart) but basically the "big" shopping is done. Is this going to be a Christmas "our" family will never forget? You betcha...

What we still need: The only items that we do no have spoken for are:
  • Small deep freeze
  • Rectangular Kitchen table and Chairs (can be used-great condition)
  • Sleeper sofa/Day bed for the living room (mom sleeps there)
  • Kitchen Cart/Bakers rack (Can be used-great condition)

Wow I just realized that I am listing 4 things we DON'T have yet...instead of this list from last week! I love it!

"Reveal" Day: 12.20.08 Bridge of Hope Volunteers will be have arranged for our family to be out for the day. They will place all the presents and household items in the home (The family has no idea that we are doing this so they will be completely surprised!)

What Can I do?: If you have an ornament please purchase your item and return it to the tree (with ornament attached). December 14th will be the last Sunday before the family will be receiving their gifts. I forgot to mention on Sunday-check the back of your ornament for additional descriptions of the items needed. Didn't get an ornament or just want to do more? Please donate to actionchurch to be part of purchasing the appliances and electronics that we will be donating to our "adopted family".

Thanks to everyone for being part of this opportunity to completely change a deserving family's life at Christmas. "Extreme" generosity isn't just something you see on Television...

Monday, November 24, 2008

"Myths" anyone?

We're working on a series for after the first of the year called "Mythbusters", where we will explore questions about things that people say are "true" about God and the Bible.

Anyone have any "myths" they would like to submit for us to explore? Things that people say about God/Bible that you're not really sure are actually True? Things that many people believe but don't seem "quite right" to you? Sound off... your "myth" may wind up being used in the Sermon Series.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday Recap: "Mindset" pt. 3

What a great day at actionchurch! Today I talked about thankfulness...and I am truly thankful for all the great people we have been blessed with. Jesus "gave up his rights" to the greatness of heaven and came down to live and work in our little "neighborhood" we call earth. Instead of angels his associates were fishermen, prostitutes, and tax collectors. Instead of the mansions of heaven he chose homelessness. Instead of feasting in heaven he thanked God for a few smelly unrefrigerated fish...and turned them into lunch for 5000. Jesus chose to be thankful for what he had...and "give up his rights" to the "things he deserved". That's the example I'm convinced we must follow if we want to live a thankful, content, happy life...

The Highlights:

  • We started out the day with 69 ornaments (above) on the "Extreme Christmas Makeover Tree" was a big list...and after everyone was gone the tree was virtually bare! The only things left on the tree were the "big Ticket" items such as the x-box, TV, etc. and a few furniture items. We will be purchasing these items as a church... (more details on the grand total to follow) Thank you everyone for caring for our "adopted family". I know that they are simply going to be overwhelmed that so many people that they don't know would care about them! Way to focus on others!
  • The only items that we need to cover still are a day bed/ or sleeper sofa (can be used but excellent condition), a Bakers rack or small kitchen work cart, a rectangular kitchen table and chairs, and a small chest type deep freeze. If you have one of these items and would like to donate them let me know.
  • Even thought we are entering a Holiday week everyone was there for set-up...even Dave who actually came for set-up before leaving to attend a family gathering...our crew is simply the best.
  • Today was the debut of "The Pledge" on stage... I heard from several people about what a great band they are-I definitely agree....hard to believe today was their first performance. I am looking forward to having them back in December. (Looking forward to a visit from Torn From Red after the first of the year to debut their new songs also!)
  • I'll be posting some pics later in the week of actionkidz...they are truly doing an outstanding job...we are seriously going to need more space for the "kidz" before long.
  • The new set up in the lobby/cafe area worked really nice and seemed much less "cramped". Thanks to Michele for the idea and Jerry for allowing us to make the "road case" coffee bar...
  • ...anything can look cool if you paint it black and slap an actionchurch logo on it.
  • Speaking of "cogs" I love the "santa cog" that Josiah made for the Christmas season... I haven't found anything yet that he can't create...
  • The "Baby Bus" was fully operational-yeah!
  • As I said in the sermon today...I really struggle with overlooking the great things that are happening by constantly looking forward to the "next thing" or the "next level"...I am truly grateful for the amazing thing that is happening at club 19 on Sunday mornings. It's beyond anything we could ever "deserve".

Friday, November 21, 2008

What's wrong with this picture???

Seriously...I want a "snow day"!

Quote of the week:

Failures and set-backs are faith-killers.
The important question is whether they're killing my faith in God... or my faith in me.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


So we have our Extreme Christmas Makeover list... It's a big one. (I just got an update this morning for what the little girl wishes for). Can we do it? I believe we can.
The question is Why? Why care for a family we have never met? A family that doesn't attend actionchurch? Couldn't the money be "better spent" taking care of "ourselves"?
Those are all valid questions and I think the answer is found in the "Mindsets" we've been talking about on Sunday Mornings. We are to have the "same attitude" as Jesus. He left heaven...with all of it's care for people who would eventually turn on him and have him murdered. Now that's an unselfish life that "Focuses on others"!
From the very beginning of actionchurch we have chosen to put our faith in action by focusing on those outside of the church. Just a few weeks after our launch we gave cash strings attached. We've donated money and services to the Relay for life in York. We give stuff away at the fair. Two weeks ago it was the York Rescue Mission... It's in our DNA. It's what we do...
We have been extremely blessed as a church. We've never had a lot (read almost none :-) of cash, but we have been blessed in spite of that. Every Sunday morning I look around and cannot believe that we get to bring our friends to a venue like Club 19! That all the Gear we need to do church "actionchurch style" has been donated. It is simply undeniable that without God's blessing, a 9 month old church plant with no denominational backing should not have the venue, the equipment, the talent, and the crowds we have come to expect on Sunday Morning. It simply shouldn't be happening.
So why care for those "outside" of our crowd? Because it is what Jesus did. Because "Focusing on others" and allowing God to provide for our needs is the essence of Faith. ...the essence of unselfish living. Because ultimately actionchurch believes that "Doing Good for others-is good for us". As I said Sunday it's a "Grand experiment". I hope you'll jump in and be part of it...I do not believe you will be disappointed!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Extreme Christmas Makeover

Latest Update: Click Here
Here we go! Below is the master wishlist for the family we are "adopting" for Christmas at actionchurch in partnership with Bridge of Hope -York County. Our family now has a place to live...but little else. We're going to change that! On Sunday you will be able to take an ornament (marked with a specific item) off the "Extreme Christmas tree" at church...If you see something on the list that you definitely want to provide before we put them up for grabs...let us know. Questions about other items?

What you can do to help: Donate an Item or service, or make a cash donation to actionchurch. This is an "all skate" event. We will not be taking up separate donations. Instead, we will be purchasing some of the larger items from regular church donations.

The "Rules": All appliances, electronics, toys, and clothing should be new. Furniture may be in "as new" condition. Let's do this in the spirit of the Extreme Home Makeover show...our goal is not to gather second hand items...the family could do that themselves...our plan is to completely "overwhelm" this family with love and generosity this Christmas! Two of our core beliefs are "Doing nothing half-way" and "Giving- with no strings attached"! Let's put them into action!

Stay tuned for more details on Sunday...

The Master List

Houshold Needs

Washer and Dryer- . purchased by the actionchurch family...thanks
Kitchen Table and Chairs- Rectangular is needed - Donated-thanks
Sofa Couch. The townhome is only a two bedroom and she has a boy and girl 8-10 and they have the two bedrooms. Our Mom has a twin size bed in the livingroom where she sleeps. A daybed that could be disguised as living room furniture would be fine. -Donated-thanks
Set of pots and pans -Donated-thanks
DVD/VCR Combo -Donated-thanks
Larger TV ( they have a 13 inch in the LR. No Cable, doesn’t plan on getting it.
Small Deep Freeze for ahead meal prep and freezing. Her freezer is tiny. -Donated-thanks!

10 year old Boy- Blonde Hair Blue Eyes (Loves anything Scooby Doo, this would be an ideal theme for his room)

new dress shoes for church size 2 black preferably -Donated-thanks
new sneakers ) loves Vans- his are way to small. Donated-thanks
dress shirts – and camoflauge themed clothes ( size 8/10) he very thin and somewhat tall. Likes plaid shirts too. Donated-thanks
a complete bed set, sheets, comforter, blanket, new pillow, curtains ( Scooby Doo) Window is 84 inches wide- drapes would be ideal. Donated-thanks
an alarm clock -Donated-thanks
new jeans, snap button only Donated-thanks
new slippers. The floor is carpeted but it is cold. Donated-thanks

Christmas wish list...

the Scooby Do and the Goblin King DVD- has a couple VHS movies but cant watch .em they don’t have a playe Donated-thanks
Has a living room lamp in his room, wants a normal lamp Donated-thanks
Loves to draw- has no crayons, markers, coloring pencils, paper, etc. Donated -thanks
Likes to tye dye
Likes science and mystery books
Likes spongebob
Play Swords -Donated Thanks
Toy Box Donated -thanks
Christian Music CD’s preferably the kids versions of todays hits. WOW Worship for kids? Donated thanks
Guitar Hero, but has nothing to play it on
Santa Claus Costume
Nintendo DS ( Scooby and Spongebob games) Purchased by actionchurch...thanks for your donations
Wallet size frames to give his school pictures as Christmas gifts. Donated Thanks
Electronic Monopoly Game? Donated thanks

The 9 year old girl- Blonde Hair Green eyes

Complete bed set and curtains as the 10 year old boy, only she likes the Philadelphia Eagles 1st and Nascar 2nd
Bed Frame for a twin bed, that is currently on the floor
-Donated Thanks!
Alarm Clock

Christmas Wish List

Prankster Kits _ Fake bugs, whoopee cushions, etc
Spiderman Toys
Play Swords
Nerf Guns

Edit: Here is her complete Christmas wish list.

Guitar Hero
Nintendo DS purchased by actionchurch...thanks for your donations.
XBOX 360 purchased by actionchurch...thanks for your donations
Pokemon Books Donated-thanks
Shrek “Operation” Game -donated thanks!
Shrek Stuffed Animal -donated thanks!
DVD- Shrek the Halls -donated thanks!
Spongebob Square Pants- DVD Donated-thanks
Music CD – Kids WOW Worship Donated-thanks
Eagles PJ’s Donated-thanks
SpongeBob thermal underwear Donated-thanks
Toy Fire Truck Donated-thanks
Tonka Dump Trucks Donated-thanks
West Coast OCC Choppers Shirt Donated-thanx
Magnetix Set Donated thanks
Lycos – Star Wars
Toy Dinosaurs

General Family needs:

- Mom wants to theme her kitchen with lighthouses
Trash cans for bathroom and kitchen Donated Thanks
Pots and pans (complete set for cooking and baking)
Electric Can Opener Donated Thanks
Basic household tool kit- Hammer, nails, screwdrivers, picture hangers, etc Donated Thanks
Welcome Mat Donated Thanks
Hampers for the kids rooms Donated thanks
First Aide Kit
Entrance way rug Donated thanks!
Broom and Dust Pan Donated Thanks
Vacumn Donated thanks
Coffee Table Donated Thanks
Bathroom Towels and washcloths Donated thanks
Shower Curtain and liner. She only has a liner and it is see through.- No color scheme or them to the bathroom. Donated Thanks
Robes for the kids Donated Thanks
Food Storage containers ( Rubbermaid, etc)
Bakers rack of small worktop cart. Her counter space is almost non existent Donated Thanks
Dishrack for clean dishes – no dishwasher Daonated Thanks
Ice cube trays Donated thanks!
Oil Changes/Tire Rotation- General Maintenance for her vehicle -
donated thanks!
Haircuts for all -donated Thanks!
General Cleaning supplies
Paper products.

As Tye would say..."let's get to shopping"!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Stuff I learned from people I love...

Ok, so you're a follower of Jesus and you wonder how you should tell your friends, your family...the people you work with. How can you let them know about the hope that you now have? Should you preach to them? Forward "christian" emails to them with pictures of cute "baby angels" and prayers that urge them to "forward this prayer to all your contact list"? Should you carry around a boom-box blasting hymns? Should you start adding "king james" english to your vocabulary? It's difficult to know what to do.

Here's something that struck me yesterday: I know about a lot of things that I never would have "learned" myself because of those around me that I love...

  • I know all the Disney princesses by name...and who their "prince" is...
  • I know almost all of the Disney Fairies by name...and what their "fairy talent" is...
  • I know the difference between a Dooney and Bourke purse and a department store knock-off.
  • I know more about the Pillsbury Doughboy than is healthy...
  • I still don't quite understand women's clothing sizes but I have made a "cheat sheet" so I don't continue to buy stuff that is the wrong size...
  • I now know lots about the "American Girl" line of Dolls...and have accepted the concept that "adopting" one of them costs more than actually having another "real" child...

So how can you communicate the fact that you love God and follow Jesus? Just be passionate about it. Live it! Make your faith part of your day to day life. I have "learned" all of the above not because my wife and daughter "Preach" to me about their interests...or "quiz" me about facts...they are just passionate about princesses, and doughboys, and dolls...and even a insensitive oaf like me eventually picks up on it. If something really "matters" to you it will show...and affect everyone around you.

Monday, November 17, 2008

"Good Day"

I hate when I do this, but I talked about gaining weight in a sermon a few weeks ago...of course I said that I was "working on it".

The problem with my plan to "work on it" was that it was the week before Halloween. What a "bad time" to try to lose weight! Who could possibly be expected not to snack when there are "fun size" snickers and kit kats everywhere? Come to think of it, this week is even worse for trying to "cut back". Thanksgiving is coming...that means there will be pies, pies, and more pies. December will be even worse...who can be expected to ignore the platters of Christmas cookies...I'm pretty sure that would be disrespectful to the Baby Jesus somehow. Maybe after the first of the year... of course then there will be Valentines day candy...flag day...and Summer picnics.

Ever feel like there is never a "good day" to start doing the right thing? There isn't. Ever.

Have you been struggling with something you know you should do...but just haven't found a "good time" to start, or stop? Today just might be the perfect day...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Recap: "Mindset" pt 2

Today was week two of the "mindset" sermon series. We talked about the "upside down" idea Jesus taught...the first will be last...anyone who wants to be a leader must become a servant to everyone... "Mindset" of the week: "Doing good for good for me!" Even though there are so many "voices" in our society that urge us to look out for ourselves and get "ours" first...the people that we admire most (from Mother Thereasa to Bono) are those that put others first. Simply put, God's principles are true no matter what year it is!

The Highlights:
  • Today I announced our plan to "adopt" a recently homeless family through Bridge of Hope for our Extreme Christmas Makeover actionchurch addition. I am so excited to team up with this great organization. Our adopted family is a single Mom with two children. They have recently been assisted in getting a place to live and an opportunity for "mom" to go back to school...but they have little else. As a church we plan to provide them with all the furnishings they so desperately need...+ a Christmas tree and presents. Stay tuned for details, this is going to be so much fun! The best part of the whole project is that everyone can do something...
  • Really enjoyed interviewing Tammi Morris (Bridge of Hope director) on stage today. Her story was really compelling... Wow was it really obvious that actionchurch and "Bridge" are a really great partnership. I loved when she mentioned loving their families unconditionally...meeting their needs...not just "cramming Jesus down their throats"! amen sister.
  • Today was "kinder gentler actionchurch"-acoustic guitars and clips from "Extreme Makeover, Home edition". Josiah said that "today's service was so "girly" that next week we need to have video clips with explosions and cuss words in them!" I love actionchurch... He may have a point, actually. I did talk about not being able to grow a beard last week and crying this week will be all about Monster Trucks, "Huntin'", and Nascar!
  • Speaking of acoustic guitars we had Mitch Meador rocking his today. Mitch is just ridiculously talented and so it is always great to have him with us.
  • ...have to put some weights or tie downs on our parking signs. It was really windy today and they kept blowing over. Thanks to Bill for all his "sign wrestling".
  • I officially "hate" Garrett for putting this song in my head during set up! la la la la... dear Jesus make it stop!
  • Steve (owner of Club 19) is just ridiculously good to rent from...we are so blessed.
  • Stay tuned for details about the "Makeover"... lots of news and details coming up this week!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Quote of the week:

The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem...
- Theodore Rubin

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I've come to realize that there are certain "constants" about being part of leadership of a church. One such "constant" is tension. I don't mean the "tension" that happens between people (although come to think of it that happens too) but the tension that happens between ideas and values.

In a church that is growing and dynamic there will be tension:

  • between never being satisfied with "good enough" -and- being thankful for the resources that you have been given.
  • between being "wise managers" of the money that people have donated -and- living out "faith" as a church by following God's leading even when all the finances aren't in place.
  • between meeting peoples needs -and- not allowing your organization to become so cluttered with "ministries" and "services" that it is unsustainable and unwieldy...
  • between giving people freedom to fully utilize their gifts and talents (which means they will not do things exactly like you would)-and- protecting the "identity" and "DNA" of the church ...
  • between serving those in the community outside the church -and- meeting the obligations necessary to "put on" the church service on the weekend...

These are just some of the areas of the church that will always exist in tension if we wish to continue to grow and impact our county. The temptation that faces us as a church is to chose comfort over tension. To chose "bylaws" and "checklists" over prayerful consideration of issues... It's not supposed to be "easy". The written record of the first church in the New Testament is filled with "conflict", tension, constant challenges for the leadership...and constant growth. The "power" of a spring becomes evident when it is stretched...I think the same is true for churches. I pray that actionchurch will continue to grow, to move, to remain under "tension".

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Doing Good in "Bad" times...

'Decision time. How do we react to difficult churches?

Do we pull back? Hold onto "what we have"? Worry about our needs...ignore the needs of others? Is it time to panic? Sell our belongings on ebay, buy food and ammunition and build a bomb shelter in the basement? Do we ignore it? Fill our homes with more crap we-don't-need but-were-able-to-buy-because-we-just-got-a-new-credit-card-in-the-mail? Decisions...Decisions...

I can't (and wouldn't want to) make those financial decisions for anyone else... here's my personal "tough times" plan.

At home: Business as usual with the exception of being very careful to only make large purchases that we absolutely need. (Translation: Allow Michele to do her usual fantastic job of making a buck stretch...) Avoid buying anything on Credit. Continue charitable giving at our normal God.

Business: Be frugal about purchases. Offer additional services at no additional charge to better serve customers who are definitely feeling the pinch of the poor economy. Communicate with customers and work together with them to improve their business and cut costs... Remember that "doing good is good for business. Most God.

Church: I think actionchurch has been prepared for "tough" financial times from our first day... We've trusted the generosity of God's people for our existence every week...we've never had any large scale "backing" or reserves. What are our plans for the future? More of the same. We will continue to "focus on others" instead of just thinking of our own survival. Last week we took in more money for the York Rescue Mission than for actionchurch...this week we will kick off our "Super Secret Christmas Project" to benefit a needy family outside of the church. We've chosen our path...we've tightened our belts expense-wise...and now our financial "plan" is to trust that God will provide for our needs. He always has!

So what's your plan? Pray about it...ask God for wisdom. Choose to live a life of Faith not Fear...

7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank you veterans...

We'll be talking about "attitude" and focusing on others all month in the during the "Mindset" series. I can't think of a better example of caring for your buddies in the very worst of circumstances...thank a veteran today.

Monday, November 10, 2008

McDonalds Cappuccino Commercial Faith.

Have you seen the new McDonald's Cappuccino commercial? (If you haven't,watch it above) From the first time I saw the reminded me of church...and why we started actionchurch.

You see, I used to think that because I follow Jesus I had to pretend to love Bible studies and khaki pants. To follow Jesus I had to pretend to listen to only "contemporary christian" music and enjoy hearing "preacher types" tell me what words in the Bible meant "in the original Greek". 'Thought I had to pretend to enjoy attending church "whenever the doors were open" no matter how boring it seemed. My desire to follow Jesus was genuine...but my "love" of "church culture" was as phony as the one dudes "trendy black framed glasses" in the McDonalds commercial.

I don't consider myself an "intellectual" person...I can't make myself care about the "original Greek". (There is enough amazing truth in the latest translations of the Bible to intrigue me for a lifetime). I've virtually stopped reading any "non-fiction" other than the Bible for mind needs a break. I'm a blue collar guy who listens to Modern Rock, 80's Metal, and when I'm in the mood, country. My nails are short and my hair is long. I'm much more likely to say "Damn it" than "praise the Lord" when I slam my finger in the door of my truck. I am absolutely passionate about serving Jesus and being part of his Kingdom plan for all eternity.

One of the things I love most about what actionchurch is that it is a place where I can be "me". Flawed. "A work in progress". Forgiven. I don't have to pretend to like "church stuff". (and neither do you.)

Does that mean that it's wrong to like "original Greek bible study" and Chris Tomlin praise tunes? Not at all. Is there anything "wrong" with going to Starbucks? Not at all. What is "wrong" (and an extremely unsatisfying way to live-think itchy turtleneck sweater) is being phony...

Starbucks isn't going to shut down because McDonald's started serving "coffee house" coffees...but I bet a lot of people who enjoy cappuccino but didn't feel like they fit into the Starbucks "culture" will be served.

Welcome to McDonald's...would you like to try our new coffee house premium coffees?

Welcome to actionchurch...would you like to hear about Jesus...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Recap: "Mindset" pt. 1

On any given week I feel very fortunate to be able to be part of actionchurch...but this week really so much fun! Today was the first of the "mindset" sermon series. What a great "job" it is to be able to communicate with people that we not only "should" have the "same attitude as Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5) We CAN have the same attitude that Jesus had if we Focus on others as he did. We may not be able to change or predict many of our circumstances...but we can change our attitudes/mindset!

The Highlights:

  • We took up a special donation for the York Rescue Mission thanksgiving dinner today...we will be sending them a check for $520! That means nearly 250 people will have dinner provided for them on Thanksgiving Day. Way to go actionchurch.
  • I was so inspired by Kyle and Grant today... two 5th graders who heard last week that we would be donating to the rescue mission this week...they raised over $150 between them this week for the Mission. Unbelievable! Edit: Someone was inspired by Kyle and Grants fundraising and matched their donation....That means that now over 300 people will be provided for... Never think that someone is "too young" to make a difference!
  • Torn from Red on stage today. Really great to have them on the "big stage" at club 19. Lots of changes coming up in "TFR world". Matt (Guitarist) is leaving to play with the Pledge (onstage at actionchurch in 2 weeks) and they are currently working on songs for a full length album. Looking forward to hearing the new stuff at actionchurch next year. always a pleasure to have TFR at actionchurch
  • I love my new "flamed preaching stool" yee haw!

  • Even though I preached this morning I got the "feeling" of attending actionchurch...It was awesome to be standing in the back as the service started knowing that Garrett (actionchurch stage manager) and Josiah (actionchurch Chief Creative Officer) would get the service started on time...and looking great. It is so gratifying to see these guys absolutely "run" Sunday Mornings... Thanks to their leadership and our great set up team I am able to concentrate totally on communicating the very cool!
  • Wanna learn to run "command central" at actionchurch? Josiah is looking for someone to train as his "apprentice"... If you like to flip switches and push buttons let me know...
  • Used a clip from Pursuit of Happyness today...definitely in my "top 10" inspirational movies.
  • ...loved the new countdown timer...It's so cool to work with a crew of people constantly working to "raise our game"...every week!
  • actionkidz @ club 19 seems to be really coming together...I have to get some new pics up...I really am amazed that we are able to offer a place like actionkidz as a "nine month old" church plant.
  • Can't wait until next week as I will be interviewing a special guest as we "unveil" one of the most exciting things we have ever attempted...
  • Had a great crowd today, great band, great vibe...but the thing that excites me most about the "momentum" that we are gathering as a church is that this is just the very beginning...I truly do not think we have even scratched the surface of what is possible if we will simply have the courage to walk down the "road" God has prepared for us. Let's not slow down or "get off course" even for a moment...there is too much at stake!

Friday, November 7, 2008

"Just another Sunday"

It's Friday...or as I like to think of it...two days 'til Sunday.

Josiah just replaced the graphics for our new sermon series "Mindset" with a new and improved version...

I'm still working on the Sermon...I'm usually finished by Friday...but I want to change up the way I normally communicate...I don't want to fall into a rut...I am convinced that I can do better.

They're installing some additional stage lighting in actionkidz today...they will also be re-arranging the area to optimise it for Sunday. I can't imagine how they are going to improve it...but I know they will.

Why all the effort to prepare for the second Sunday in November? Is there a visiting "dignitary" or film crew coming? Nope. It's "just another Sunday." Just another Sunday that someone will give church "one more try". Just another Sunday that someone will come to church for the first time. Just another Sunday that someone will hear the Good News about Jesus for the very first time.

We will never be "satisfied" with "good enough". We won't settle for "the way we've always done it." We will try, (and sometimes fail) to always get a little better than the week before. It's "just the way we roll" :-)

So invite your friends to club 19 as we kick off the "Mindset" series with Torn from Red on stage. Tell them it's "just another Sunday" @ actionchurch...

Don't forget we will be taking up a special donation for York Rescue Missions Thanksgiving meal Sunday!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


...did something really stupid yesterday. I put out our garbage directly behind my truck, got in my truck, and backed into the cans. Fortunately my truck is so low that it didn't run "over" the cans. (it can barely run "over" a soda can). I did manage to push my cans out in the street, tip them over, and catapult our halloween pumpkins out of the garbage and send them rolling down the street.

At first it seemed kind of funny...I amuse myself often with my own clumsiness. It seemed a lot less funny when I realized I had an audience. I managed to perform my "amazing feat of stupidity" in front of a large crowd of neighbors waiting with their kindergardners for the bus. Some laughed...some gripped their children tightly to their sides probably hoping that I wouldn't somehow manage to back over them...and my neighbor across the street helped me pick up my trash and move the cans.

Everything is more embarrassing in front of an audience... a lot of stupid stuff I do seems "OK" until someone else sees it. I was reading this verse later (below) and it struck me that we always have an "audience". God is always watching. Nothing is "Secret"... As followers of Christ we should live like we always have an "audience"...

I wonder if God ever laughs at us...?

6 But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. Mathew 6:6

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So we have elected a new President, Barrack Obama. No big "news flash" right? Change has happened. Whichever "side" you chose in this feels kinda nice to have it over, doesn't it? (Sort of like popping that giant zit that's been on your forehead for 18 months.)

Let's pray for our new President. His task will not be an easy one. Let's be truly happy for those who are celebrating...and encourage those who are dissapointed.
Most of all I'm going to "rejoice" that I will not make another "political" post for at least 4 years!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day...

So it's election day...and I want to challenge all of you to pray. Nope, I'm not just urging you to pray that "my guy" or "your guy" gets elected.

  • Let's pray for wisdom for Whoever gets elected. (It's not like we can move to Mars if things don't go well in the USA- I want whoever wins to "govern well")
  • Let's pray that the Church (actionchurch in particular) can become an example of people of very different political ideals and cultures coming together to worship God and serve others! (kinda like they managed to do in the Book of Acts.)
  • Let's pray that God will show us how to advance God's kingdom plan for earth in whatever political/economical climate exists.
  • Let's pray for all those who will be disappointed by this election...whether their candidate didn't win...or won and wasn't able to "make all their dreams come true"... Let's pray for the disappointed and the hopeless...that they will find real hope-in the Creator who is never "up for election".

Thanks to Micheal Buckingham (Holy Cow Creative) for open sourcing the "prayed and voted" graphic...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Holidays...

Ok, I know Halloween was just Friday...and it's not exactly Christmas Eve yet...but it seems like when it turns November the rest of the year just vanishes. So for "all ye faithful" (a little Christmas Carol Humor) blog readers, here's a preview of actionchurch through the holiday season.

November 9: (this Sunday-Torn from Red on stage) We kick off the "mindset" series and take up a special offering to help feed people at the York Rescue Mission. Even though we just mentioned that we would be having the special giving opportunity next Sunday, people were already giving in advance...way to go actionchurch.

November 23: Special service to kick off our "Extreme Christmas Makeover" for a needy family in York County. actionchurch may not be able to make every ones Christmas "Merry" in York County...but for one will mean everything.

December 7: Kicking off our "At the movies-Christmas edition" series. If you enjoyed the "at the movies" series this summer...we're going to have even more fun this December, as we talk about the messages you may have never noticed in some of your favorite Christmas movies.

December 21: Final Service of the allstars on stage...lots of "Merry Christmas and to all a good night" for everyone.

December 28: No Sunday morning service. actionchurch is made up of show our appreciation to all our volunteers who work so hard during the year to make actionchurch happen, there will never be services held on the final Sunday of the year (between Christmas and New years Day). Enjoy your family, play with your new Christmas toys...If you feel the need to attend church...attend one of the many good Churches in the York area.

January 4th: actionchurch '09 kickoff!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday Recap: "In God we Trust?" Pt 3

Today was the final week of the "In God we Trust" sermon series. I talked about how God is not "worrying" in heaven about the outcome of this election. In Good times and Bad times...during times of freedom and during horribly oppressive regimes...God has been more than capable of advancing his plan for History. The big question for us as Christians is do we trust God?... or Government? Are we willing to do the hard work of "teaching right and wrong" and "making God's law our own" (Psalm 37:30-31) Or are we going to try to "use" government to legislate and enforce our values on others. Whether it's the "right" trying to legislate and enforce moral values...or the "left" trying to legislate and enforce "generousity" to help the poor the result is the same. Laws and regulations do NOT change people's hearts... Good people can disagree on what is the right path for our country...but I think it's time the church stops getting "used" by politicians for power and money. As for actionchurch...we will be in the business of advancing the kingdom by serving our community and "making Jesus famous"...not boycotting stuff or supporting political parties.

The Highlights:

  • I announced today that we were going to be taking up a special offering next week for the York Rescue mission for their thanksgiving dinner. People already gave $110.00 this week... way to go. It costs only 2.36/person for the York Rescue mission to feed someone thankgiving dinner. I want to challenge everyone to give up a drink...skip purchasing a snack or that everyone can be part of helping those that have less than we are blessed with this thanksgiving.
  • It was "country day" at actionchurch today. It was amazing to watch the ac allstars...the same band that just performed an amazing classic rock set in September...transform into a great country band. Lynn nailed "Jesus take the wheel" and Jerry sang "You're gonna miss this" by Trace Adkins spot on. I'm always amazed by the talent and versatilty of these guys! (and gal)
  • actionkidz is looking amazing! I Karie, Susan, and crew have transformed a "deisel" garage stall into a really first rate childrens program. I am more impressed every week by what they are coming up with.
  • Lynn and Steve from the "allstars" thought I might be "missing" the giant Buddha in the audience over at Fat Daddy's... so they brought me a Buddha statue, holding a guitar with a actionchurch logo on it. Too funny!
  • Club 19 is really starting to "feel like home"... Even though the transition was a lot of has so been worth it. We still have stuff to work on but the new venue is great.
  • The "Toddler Bus" was in place but part of the equipment to send an live video and audio signal to it didn't come in...hopefully it will be fully operational by next week.
  • I plugged the heater for the bus in the same circuit as our video system...not such a great plan since it kept blowing the breaker...Live and learn.
  • ...Finally got the "VW bus entertainment center" delivered to actionkidz today. I strapped it carefully in the back of my truck (pictured above)...drove slowly and carefully to the club...and then forgot to mention how top-heavy it was, so we managed to flip it over and drop it while unloading it. I was amazed that it put only a tiny chip in the paint. What can I say...old buses are tough!
  • I can't say enough how grateful I am to EVERYONE that works so hard to make actionchurch all are truly "action heroes"!
  • The next seven weeks between now and Christmas(can you believe it?) are going to be highly exciting...I can't wait to see what happens next...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Don't forget to set your clocks back one hour tonight...

Enjoy your extra hour of sleep... Or, if you forget, thanks for helping out with set-up:-)