Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Chicago style pizza and balloon animals.
An added bonus of this week in Kissimmee, FL. is that we are staying less than a mile from a Giordano's pizza joint. They serve amazing Chicago style pizza (about 3 inches thick!). I am usually too impatient to wait a long time for food, but we make the time every time we are here...It's worth it!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Thinking about heaven...
I've been thinking about heaven this morning. Not because Orlando reminds me of heaven...although it is pretty flipping sweet in May. It's just that for the first time, instead of staying at a hotel, we rented a house for the week from these guys. (vrbo ) We are so stinkin' blessed because this place is amazing! It's 5 minutes from Disney's main gate and whoever is the owner of this home, seriously thought of everything we could possibly need to enjoy our vacation. Every time I open a drawer or a door, I am a amazed at the things that are here for us to enjoy in this home. (Including Wi-Fi!) It seems like they thought of everything.
I don't spend a lot of time thinking or teaching about heaven. (Maybe I should?) I don't think Jesus died on the cross just so I could "go to a better place" when I die. I think salvation is an amazing opportunity for us to be part of God's kingdom plan here on earth (link) with the awesome by-product of spending eternity with Jesus...starting now! No matter how much I think teaching about the "sweet by and by" may be overdone in our culture...Heaven is going to be beyond words. I can't help imagining Jesus himself, who created me and knows me better than anyone, preparing a place that is truly perfect! I don't think there will be enough time in a timeless eternity to open every "drawer and door" to find what our creator has prepared for us to enjoy! Can you imagine?
Even better, there is no security deposit and check out isn't at 11am...
3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:3
Posted by
Don Record
11:36 AM
Monday, May 28, 2007
Bible Colleges, Fireworks, and Strip Clubs.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
...and we're off!
We're loading up and heading to Orlando for a week at Disney. (I know, most people take less luggage when they move to Kenya...) I will check in when we get settled in with some wi-fi. I am so thankful for this time to "make some memories" as a family!
For all of us traveling this holiday weekend, may God give us safe travels. Amen
Workin' on my old truck.
Life is kinda like that isn't it? Sometimes little things go wrong in our relationship with God, others, or even in our health. Little things get broken. We screw things up, we sin. It's not a perfect world. The problem is, we don't take time to fix them, ask forgiveness, find out what's wrong. We are so busy we just push the "gas pedal" of our life a little harder and try to ignore the problems that weigh us down. Sometimes things completely "break down" and we have to stop and fix it. Usually though, we just keep on going even though life has become "less powerful", less enjoyable, less full. I was shocked recently when I became so ill to discover that I had probably been walking around with mononucleosis for weeks. I thought I was just tired and getting older...I didn't take time to stop and see if something was wrong before I "broke down".
I'm trying to be more proactive in my life. I hope you will too. Let's agree to not ignore the things in our life that we actually have the power to "fix". Let's ask forgiveness sooner rather than later. Endeavor to ask God to search our hearts and minds for things that could cause us to "break down" later. Let's try to live our lives at "full power" whenever possible instead of limping around due to our own neglect.
For the Gearheads: Brutus is a 65 VW doublecab truck. Low? yup, 3 inches off the ground and the lowest point. VW/porsche Type IV power. 944 four wheel discs. Front end narrowed 5 inches. IRS rear suspension. BRM wheels... "custom paint" by me. HA ...and yes that is an actionchurch sticker on the window.
Posted by
Don Record
5:08 PM
Labels: general, religion and culture, VW Stuff
Friday, May 25, 2007
God has blessed us with some great business contacts (link) and our "wearable" supplier, A-Z Advertising Specialties, is no exception. What make this relationship even better is that our sales rep, Dave Meile, is the founder and leader of X-Stream Youth Ministries! (Please Check out their web site.) Dave and his wife Alicia truly love and lead teenagers in an amazing way. Their program uses kayaking, skateboarding, and Mountain Bike instruction to introduce "at risk" teens to a life centered on following Jesus. I think using God's Creation as a "visual aid" beats a text book or PowerPoint presentation any day. Dave and Alicia have been a great support and encouragement from day one of actionchurch, and in the future we look forward to supporting X-Stream in ways even beyond ordering lots of t-shirts! We are truly thankful to have Dave and family in our lives.
Final Plug: Anyone walking with us at York Relay for Life will be receiving a way cool actionchurch t-shirt. It could be you...
Posted by
Don Record
6:59 AM
Labels: actionchurch happenings, church planting
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Too Flippin' Long!!!
Last night I experienced a familiar progression of emotions as I watched the American Idol finale. As the show began I was mildly entertained and interested, as it drug on I became distracted. After being treated to Sanjaya and Joe Perry (why Joe, why?) , I became bored and chatted with Michele. After being subjected to 18 group musical numbers and Bette Midler in a leather mini skirt (my eyes, my eyes!) I became agitated. And finally as the show went beyond it's time slot to reveal the winner, I became openly hostile and began yelling at the TV!
I say that I experienced a "familiar progression of emotions" because I have experienced and watched others go through similar progressions during church services that went on too long! (Thankfully, embarrassment usually overcomes hostility so no one yells at the pastor...although...maybe that would help...)
Civility and lack of space doesn't permit me to comment on why some churches have such unbearably long services, but here a few of the reasons actionchurch's Sunday Morning will be exactly one hour long:
- Editing makes a presentation stronger! A four hour home movie has more "content" but a commercially produced and edited 90 minute blockbuster has more "impact"!
- We value transformation over information! Our goal is to encourage and challenge people to live a life that honors Jesus Christ, not pass a bible survey 101 test.
- It's about the "audience" not the speaker or singer! The bible says to be a leader we must become a servant of many. In order to best serve our "listeners" as leaders we must put aside our own desires to "get it all in" or "really go deep because I enjoy this passage" or "keep talking because I like the sound of my voice". It ain't about us!
- We trust people to come back! Our goal each week will be to communicate one "action step" from God's word that people can actually put into practice in their lives. We do not have to tell the "everything we know" about the Bible, doctrine, and history because "they may never be back"... We have confidence that the good news presented in a creative and attractive manner will cause people to return for more.
I could go on, but then this post would be too long...
Posted by
Don Record
7:01 AM
Labels: actionchurch FAQ, church planting, leadership, religion and culture, vision
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Film maker wanted.
Like everybody else in America, I watched Idol last night. Daughtry Rocked and Jordan will win. In the words of Forrest Gump, "That's about all I got to say about that".
I did stick around to watch "On the Lot" which came on after idol because I am fascinated with amateur film making. Obviously, the technology is here and affordable enough to now make really amazing short films...with nothing but a digital camera and a laptop. I have a gut feeling that having great film at church will become (over the next 5-10 years) nearly as important as having a great Band in communicating with the "new to church" crowd.
So, are you an amateur film maker wanting to do something that will matter for all eternity? Can you imagine your art telling "the" Story. Making people laugh? Making people cry? actionchurch is looking for someone with the talent, equipment, and calling to digitally communicate truth and hope to York County and the world. Is it you? Do you know someone? If so, we'd like to hear from you.
Posted by
Don Record
6:47 AM
Labels: church planting, help wanted, religion and culture
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Kindness "Hit List".
If "actions speak louder than words", here's a list of people to "target" with kindness and generosity this week:
- Salespeople (even telemarketers)
- Waiters and Waitresses
- Mall Security guards who think they are Dog the Bounty hunter.
- Slow Cashiers at Wal-mart.
- Slow people in the fast lane.
- Mumbling drive-thru workers.
- (Just to make it difficult) Mini-van drivers with soccer ball decals...
In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. Mathew 5:16 NLT
Monday, May 21, 2007
What is a "real" Christian?
I just ran across an article by that name in to days USA Today. I won't link to it because it was filled with political nonsense that makes my head want to explode! The point of the whole article was different christian "experts" pointing out which political candidates for president were or were not "christians". The list of course differed depending which "expert" you listened to. The article was followed by a long line of reader comments arguing biblical interpretation, religion, and doctrinal differences, arguing who they thought were the "real" christians.
It struck me as I was reading all this crap that no one, not a single "expert", not a single reader, pointed out an incident or example of a candidate or anyone actually acting like someone who follows Jesus. I am not saying none of the candidates have lived out a lifestyle consistent with the teachings of Jesus-It just never came up in the whole article! Not once.
I am done with trying to figure out who's "in" or "out" based on their "beliefs". To tell you the truth, as much as possible I will leave that up to the ultimate judge-God. When I must try to make that determination, the standard I will use are from the words of Jesus: "You will know them by their love" and "by their fruits you will know them."
I have been asked several times to post a "statement of beliefs" or "doctrinal statement" on the actionchurch website. Although I may do it at some point it is truly one of my lowest possible priorities. It is not that I believe what a church believes is means everything. I just strongly believe that what a person or church "says they believe" is just about worthless! What we actually believe and value will always be demonstrated by our actions. What we truly "believe" is obvious to God, others, and very rarely, ourselves.
Posted by
Don Record
3:40 PM
Labels: religion and culture, vision
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Church and Disney World.
One week from today we will be on our way to Orlando, Fl. for a week of all things Disney. I was thinking this morning that so much has changed since Disney world opened, but they have still remained a family vacation "must experience." My wife has great memories of going to the original park over thirty years ago and my four year old is beside herself with excitement to see "Cinderellas Castle".
How have they stayed "relevant" to culture for all these years? How do they keep attracting record crowds? How have they kept "the magic" for all these years?
Here's some observations I have now and I will keep my eyes open for more as we visit the parks.
1. Disney went multi-cite. They have launched 3 new parks MGM, Animal Kingdom, and Epcot to provide more options for visitors.
2. They stuck with their "brand". Even though they have launched into many different areas of entertainment they have been true to their initial "vision" and relentlessly promoted their brand.
5. Disney understands it's about serving people! I am always amazed how well Disney "cast members" welcome and serve their guests...nobody does it better!
I think all of these concepts are very important tools in keeping our churches relevant-and full! It amazes me that the most exciting good news (Gift!) the world has ever received is consistently presented in the most boring and unflattering package! I am frankly sick to death of hearing complaints that "people just won't come to church" when so little effort is put into actually making it worth their time if they did show up! We could learn a lot from a "mouse"!
Posted by
Don Record
11:22 AM
Labels: family, religion and culture, vision
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Going to a party...
It's a beautiful Saturday and the only thing on our family "agenda" is going to a birthday party held for some people we just recently met. I am thankful to be invited. I am thankful to be feeling well enough to attend! Thanks for every one's prayers, I am getting healthier every day. (Can you tell I'm feeling a little thankful today?!)
I was just thinking about how much my priorities have changed. There was a time when meetings, and religious services, and work filled my schedule. Parties just rarely made the cut. I was too busy with the "serious business" of being a "christian".
Jesus went to parties. Jesus even made a little "miracle wine" when the party went dry. I think Jesus was the "life of the party". He was said to be a "friend of sinners". Even though I'm not great in social situations ( I just try not to break or spill anything!) I am looking forward to attending a birthday party for people I hardly know-yet! It's top priority. I look forward to meeting new people, hearing their stories, and maybe even telling someone mine. It's an adventure...
I love the fact that following Jesus is more likely to lead you to a party than a "meeting"... How about you?
Posted by
Don Record
9:14 PM
Labels: church planting, family
Friday, May 18, 2007
Relay for life update.
We are now less than One Month away from York Relay for Life! (link) This will be the first public event that we will participate in as a launch team. I am really excited at the progress that has been made. I am so thankful to God and the team for getting us closer to the Goal.
What we still need: 1. We could use a couple more walkers to help us in the relay 2. We are still accepting Donations to the American Cancer Society so that we can be a big blessing to the relay. 3. Pray that God will use this event to help us connect with people in our community, help us connect as a team, and help us better connect with the vision he has for us (actionchurch) to be a blessing to our community.
Please contact me for more info about walking or sponsoring "team actionchurch".
Posted by
Don Record
11:38 AM
Labels: actionchurch happenings, church planting
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Enjoy this beautiful "baked Bean" footage. I hope it makes you laugh like it does me.
It does make you think many things at church that seem so "normal" and "traditional" to us, things we think "everyone" knows, can certainly make someone from the outside feel (and look) really stupid. No matter how "contemporary"(whatever that means) our churches are I think we should avoid "unspoken rules" and traditions that make outsiders uncomfortable when they don't know what to do.
Posted by
Don Record
8:30 PM
Labels: church planting, religion and culture, youtube
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Not "doing the dew".
I just realized that I haven't had any caffeine since Saturday! I think that is the longest "dry" period in life. One of the side affects of my immune system crashing is that my mouth and throat are totally broken out in sores and even water feels like "firewater" going down. So my favorite drink in all the world is definitely not on the menu... Our recycler is strangely empty of green and silver cans.
I told Michele maybe having mono isn't what's making me so tired all the time. Maybe this is just the way I would be all the time without caffeine???
I wonder if Mountain Dew makes an IV bag...
God loves a good story...
Posted by
Don Record
12:49 PM
Labels: actionchurch happenings, church planting, vision
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
"Nice" Sucks!
I had a discussion Saturday night with some friends on the launch team about why it has always been (in our experience) a much worse working environment in "Christian" organizations than in "secular" corporations. How is it that co-workers can work together better at hospitals and construction sites than Churches and Christian Schools? Shouldn't the opposite be true?
Posted by
Don Record
10:26 PM
Labels: actionchurch FAQ, church planting, leadership
Monday, May 14, 2007
Monday Morning "Hodgepodge".
- I am Sick! I have some kind of bacterial infection in my throat/sinus... I haven't felt this bad in a longgggg time. Pray that I get better quickly as we are leaving for vacation in two weeks and I have a lot to do!
- Mothers Day kind of sucked for Michele.... I was sick, she had to do everything...not at all what I hoped for her. Sorry! I owe you one.
- I went to Church and it Rocked! Even though I was "medicated" It was SO worth being there...
- Speaking of church, Newspring gave away a house to a single mother on Mothers Day! Read about it here. (link) They continue to set the standard for loving God, and loving their community in a visable way! Please DO NOT think, "It's easy for them because they are a "big" church. It's never easy to do something like matter what size your organization's a question of being inwardly focused or externally focused.
- I need to lay down...
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Learning from Moms.
One, among many things, that I struggle with in life is Jesus' primary directive to "Love God with all your heart, and love your neighbor as you love yourself". The more I find out about God the easier it is to keep the first part of the commandment. What I struggle with is the whole "love Everyone as yourself"(everyone is our neighbor according to Jesus). Just when I think I'm getting better at loving others, I find some new layer of "prejudice", some new "lens" I view people through, some new excuse to love almost "everyone"-but not "this" person. I hope you "have it down" but I struggle in this area...
- Good Moms Love unconditionally! A good mom never meets an ugly baby, (thanks mom!) or a diaper too dirty, a nose too runny, to love her child. Imagine our culture and Churches filled with people who would truly extend love to "everyone"!
- Good Moms Love sacrificially! A good mom always gives "herself" for her children. From single moms giving their very lives to raise and provide for their children, to "stay at home" moms who "give up?" careers to care for theirs. Good Moms sacrifice! Can you imagine our culture and churches filled with people who would give up "their rights" to care for those who are hurting, new to the faith, struggling with the consequences of a lifetime of bad decisions?
- Good Moms Love much, and expect much! Finally, a good mom may well sacrifice her personal comfort for a crying baby, a hungry toddler, or a sobbing teenager. However, good mom's are good teachers. They love their children unconditionally, but expect and guide them to "Grow"! A good mom would never allow for her (physically normal) child to reach their teenage years without learning to feed themselves, etc. Imagine our culture and churches filled with people who loved unconditionally, sacrificially, but expected growth! (Imagine if everyone was willing to take the time, and effort to teach others what they had learned.)
Thanks Moms! We salute you. We have so much to learn from matter how old we are!
Posted by
Don Record
9:18 AM
Labels: family, religion and culture
Friday, May 11, 2007
actionchurch!?- "Whats up with the name?"
For most of the years I have been married (17 now), whenever I wanted to show Michele how much I loved and appreciated her I would give her a big hug and kiss. Sometimes I would literally "sweep her off her feet". My intentions were good and it felt great! She's hot, so let's be honest it felt really great! Less than two years ago we read this book (link) together. I found out from our conversations that a much better way to make her feel loved was to do something thoughtful or helpful for her. I had her "love language" wrong for years! (Thankfully, she still lets me hug and kiss her-for me!)
So what's more important, intentions or results? Jesus weighed in on this subject BIG TIME in his teachings. One of my favorites was when he was being criticised by the religious leaders of the time for his "methods". (Sound familiar?) After offering a scathing reply (read the whole story-here), Jesus uttered these words:
19The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners." ' But wisdom is proved right by her actions."
In Luke (here) it reads "wisdom is proved right by her children" but in all accounts, and all translations, it is clear that Jesus set a standard- We are "judged" by our actions not our intentions. If you think that was an "isolated incident" check out this parable, (link)where the guy with "good intentions" of not losing his masters money was severely punished, and the others with "results" were rewarded. This theme runs deep in the teachings of Jesus. "A tree is know by its fruit" etc. It culminates in one of his final teachings in John 15:1-17. (link)
So does calling ourselves "actionchurch" mean we have a better understanding of Jesus teaching than other churches? NOT AT ALL! Our name is simply a reminder that we will be judged by our actions, not our intentions! How does that make us "different" than other churches? IT DOESN'T! Every church is "judged" by their actions and results by both God and their community. Every one! It may "feel good" to have two cans of marshmallow fluff and some pickled beats in the church closet and call it a "food pantry" but our God and our neighbors look to us to feed the hungry. It may "feel good" to stick a crappy gospel tract under the windshield wiper of that "long haired" pagan at work, but our God and our neighbors look to us to actually show Love to them. It may "feel good" to have churchy little gatherings that we all enjoy, but our God and our community will decide if we actually "reached out"!
So Hello, our name is actionchurch. We don't have it all together. We probably never will. We will not: however, let that be an excuse not to put the teachings of Jesus into action! We will try and reject many "methods". We will experiment. We will come up short. We will never quit! We will constantly strive to find ways to make our message- Louder than Words!
Seacrest out!
Posted by
Don Record
7:00 AM
Labels: actionchurch FAQ
Thursday, May 10, 2007
"They should have eliminated Barry Gibb!"
Wow! I'm pleasantly surprised to see a "dude" still in the final three. Even if he is a "beat boxer"... Simon had it right about Lakisha "going home". As the show was ending my wife got a BIG laugh from me by saying. "They should have eliminated Barry Gibb!" I couldn't agree more!
Posted by
Don Record
7:40 AM
Labels: American Idol, family, TV
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
actionchurch core values
Fun! Brevity. “A little less talk and a lot more action!” Cultural Relevance. Authenticity. Originality. Transformation over information. Doing nothing Half way! Kindness and generosity…with no strings attached. "Making Jesus Famous!" Creativity. Ambiance. Art. Family.
Posted by
Don Record
7:03 AM
Labels: actionchurch FAQ
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Lions, Bears, & Giants.
No, I'm not thinking about Teams in the NFC, I've been thinking a lot about this passage lately-
33 "Don't be ridiculous!" Saul replied. "There is no way you can go against this Philistine. You are only a boy, and he has been in the army since he was a boy!" 34 But David persisted. "I have been taking care of my father's sheep," he said. "When a lion or a bear comes to steal a lamb from the flock, 35 I go after it with a club and take the lamb from its mouth. If the animal turns on me, I catch it by the jaw and club it to death. 36 I have done this to both lions and bears, and I'll do it to this pagan Philistine, too, for he has defied the armies of the living God! I Samuel 17:33-36
I love the "logic of faith" that David uses to convince Saul that he can defeat Goliath...Not, "I can fight the giant because I have previous giant killing experience". Instead, He believed he could defeat the giant because God had been with him in other dangerous situations! Think about it, battling a lion or a bear may sound tame compared a little "ultimate fighting" competition with nine foot tall giant, but it was an amazing feat for a unarmed teenager! David knew that without God's help he would have never made it out of either situation alive.
I find a lot of strength in this passage. I hope you will too. I've never started a church before, but I have started a business. I have never been a lead pastor- but I have been a youth pastor and an associate minister. Without the blessing of God I know I would have never come out of any of these experiences "alive"! I choose every day to believe that the same God who has called me to fight this giant, has also prepared me for the fight.
How about you? Are there "giants" in your future? Challenges you feel drawn to take on, that just seem too "big"? Are there people telling you "Don't be ridiculous, there's no way you can..."? Be Persistant! Think about the other "lion & bear" challenges you have faced in you past...Could it be that God was preparing you for the challenges of your future?
Final thought: I'm not sure if history would have "remembered" a teenager who fought a lion and a bear, as amazing as that was. History will never forget a teenager who "leveraged" that experience into faith and courage that allowed him to kill the giant, "get the girl", and one day become King!
Posted by
Don Record
1:26 PM
Labels: church planting, leadership
Monday, May 7, 2007
Coffee Controversy
I was just drinking my own coffee, enjoying my day off, and reading a newspaper online when I ran across this chick from Ohio protesting a Starbucks coffee cup. Yep you read that right...Protesting a Starbucks cup!
Here's the "offensive" inscription:
The way I see it #247
"Why in moments of crisis do we ask God for strength and help? As cognitive beings, why would we ask something that may well be a figment of our imaginations for guidance? Why not search inside ourselves for the power to overcome? After all, we are strong enough to cause most of the catastrophes we need to endure." -Bill Schell, Starbucks customer.
Is this mans opinion offensive? Worthy of boycott? Burn the "Starbucks heretic"? Puhleeze!
Here's my take- Mr. Schell, may I call you Bill? I understand your cynicism about a culture that turns to prayer in times of crisis, and ignores God the rest of the time. Even though I disagree with your statement, I understand why you would come to the conclusion that God is merely a figment of our collective imaginations. I'm saddened that you have never come in contact with a person that demonstrated the power of God in an undeniable and attractive way. I'm sorry that so many of the "christians" you have met in your life are "believers" and not "Followers of Jesus Christ." I'm sorry that the "church" you have come in contact with is an impotent, inward focused, selfish organization. Even though it was painful to read your opinion on my coffee cup-Thank you. It reminded me of how much work there is to be done as followers of Christ until we can truly pray as Jesus did-"Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
Posted by
Don Record
2:12 PM
Labels: religion and culture
Sunday, May 6, 2007
My favorite TV "Evangelist".
I have had the privilege of hearing some truly great preachers. (Andy, Perry, Mark, and Ed come to mind.) Josh "Chop" Towbin, however; may have the most raw, natural, preaching "skilz" of anyone I have ever heard!
- Make it fun! (every aspect of buying a car at Towbin Dodge entertaining! Their infomercials get sitcom ratings on local TV.)
- "Dooz it Large"- (...king of cars baby, we dooz it large, baby....Every thing at Towbin Dodge is done "large". Nothing is ever half way, okay, just "good enough".)
- Your most important "sermons" are to motivate your team! (Chops sales team meetings are a fusion between a revival meeting and a prize fight intro...)
- Be passionate about your "product"! (Chop raps about cars, talks about cars, restores cars...)
- If it matters, count it! (The Towbin crew is obsessive in "keeping score" and celebrating sales...could be why they are #1 in the nation for sales.)
Check out King of Cars on A&E Television and see if you agree that Chop is the best television "evangelist" ever!
Posted by
Don Record
2:30 PM
Labels: leadership
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Is this a good show?
My wife Michele recently told our three year old that there are "good shows" and "bad shows" on TV so Reagan should "ask mommy whether she can watch a show or not." Now almost every program that we watch is preceded by her asking, "Is this a good show, mommy?" It makes us laugh.
I thought I would be cute and clever the other night. (That usually spells trouble for me.) When a Victoria's Secret (no link!) commercial came on I turned to my wife and asked, "Is this a good show, mommy?" She said "If you have to ask, It probably isn't a good show for you to watch."
It made me think that I should ask my heavenly father more often, "Is this a good show?" "Is this a good thought?" "Is this a good attitude?" I wonder what would happen...
17 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
Luke 18:17 (NIV)
Friday, May 4, 2007
Church for the rest of us...
I got invited to church yesterday. Well at least someone put a flyer on my door. I appreciate the invite, I really do. I admire that you are willing to come to my door to tell me about your church. We are on the same "team", you and I. We both want people to get to know Jesus.
Here's the problem though. My family doesn't look anything like the (clipart) family on your flyer. Most of my friends don't either. I don't own a tie. I don't have a bible cover with handles. We don't all have smiling intact families with a dad, mom, and two perfect children. Many of my friends are divorced. Some of us are alone. We are broken, scarred and a little cynical. We don't rush to church just because we are offered "bible centered preaching" and "vibrant singing". In fact, many of us have given up on church altogether.
My friends and I are starting a church for the "rest of us". It's called actionchurch. It's not a "better" church than the one in your flyer. In fact, I noticed your pastor is a "Doctor". Ours didn't even stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. We don't have it all together, and we probably never will. We just think there needs to be a place where "the rest of us" can meet Jesus...
28 Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light." Mathew 11:2-30 (NLT)
Posted by
Don Record
1:59 PM
Labels: church planting, vision
Thursday, May 3, 2007
It's not over!
I was thinking last night as I watched the Idol results show that it was about this time last year when Chris Daughtry was voted off...(He was #4) I'm sure at that moment it seemed like the biggest disappointment of his life. You know the "rest of the story", Chris has one of the Hottest albums and videos in the world right now. I love the album and am "selfishly" hoping that Daughtry stays on the charts because there are several of his songs I would love to use when actionchurch launches! ( Crash, Home, Used To, and It's not over.)
So where ever you are, however bad things appear to be, whatever setbacks you have suffered, no matter how impossible your situation looks...put a fist in the air, enjoy the video, and remember- It's not over!
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NIV
Posted by
Don Record
11:12 AM
Labels: American Idol, religion and culture, TV
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
We talk a lot about "launching" actionchurch around here. In simplest terms "launching" or "launching large" as it sometimes called, is a church planting strategy that attempts to "build" the most viable church possible in its first six-twelve months. It is not the "only" way to start a church. It is not the "right" way to start a church. It is simply a proven strategy that we have chosen to use. Allow me to explain...
Imagine church is a fire. It's not a big stretch. (Acts 2:1-4) Like fire, a Church can either be unstoppable (think Forest fire) or fragile ( think "candle in the wind") depending on the amount of fuel and air "consumed". Please stop singing that awful Elton John song "like a candle in the wind" now. I'm serious, stop it! Now imagine you must start a fire. Not because you want to make some s'mores on a camping trip. Not in a competitive Survivor "fire making challenge" scenario. You have to make a fire in a serious Man vs. Wild way. People are depending on you-lives are at stake!
As a "fire starter" you have some decisions to make. How will you proceed? Will you start indiscriminately striking your matches and attempting to light anything flammable within arms reach? Drop to your knees and pray for a lightning strike? (It could happen...) Will you start a tiny fire from a few sticks you find nearby and "nurture" it until it becomes large enough to become a self sustaining blaze?
A fire starter with a "launch" strategy would not immediately strike a match. Instead, he would make a quick survey of the area. Great attention would be given as to where to start the fire. He would identify potential fuels for his fire. As he began to gather wood and other fuels he would keep his eye out for possible "accelerants" to help his fire grow faster. (Don't try this at home, but nothing flammable is "off limits" gas, oil, plutonium etc.) Great care would be taken in how the initial kindling and starters would be arranged to create immediate heat. Care would also be taken to make sure enough fuel was gathered to sustain the fire after it's initial start. Finally a match would be struck and by God's grace a "fire" would be started.
Final thought: I hope this has made the idea of "launching" a church clearer. If strategy and planning seem "worldly and gimmicky" when starting a church, fine. Grab two sticks and rub them together with "all your might". The main thing to remember about "fire starting" is that no matter how much (or little) strategy we use...God gives fire! Did we create the fuel? "Invent" friction and combustion? Create oxygen? Create our "strategizing" ability? Form our hands? I don't think so. The main thing is that fires are started...People are cold. People are hungry. And there are some very dangerous things lurking outside the "fire"!
Posted by
Don Record
1:08 PM
Labels: actionchurch FAQ, church planting
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Sometimes the Bible makes me laugh.
I read this and about spit coffee through my nose!
Listen to me, you fat cows living in Samaria, you women who oppress the poor and crush the needy, and who are always calling to your husbands, “Bring us another drink!”
Amos 4:1 NLT.
Look it up (link) if you think I made that up. Wow! I'm known as a pretty "plain spoken" preacher but I think even I would have to ask "Are you sure that's what you want me to say, God?" before I let that one fly. I love that the Bible is full of real men who were not afraid to speak the hard truths!
Posted by
Don Record
1:13 PM
Labels: religion and culture