Saturday, June 30, 2007


I love nothing more than to tell the story of actionchurch. It pumps me up to tell the vision for York County that we have been given. The last few days, though, I have gained so much from listening:

  • Listening to the stories of an older church planter who made 22,000 phone calls to gather his first crowd...(even though it might get you "run out of town" by 22,000 angry people today-it worked then and his church is still going strong!)
  • Listening to men of God with tremendous records of success share some of their "failures" to encourage and warn "newbies" like me.
  • Listening to guys ten years younger than me who already know ten times more than I do about leading a church.
  • Listening to God who is urging me to do even more listening...

In the "Spirit" of Listening- I'll shut up now.

Friday, June 29, 2007

What's wrong with this picture...

Here's a shot from my hotel bathroom. Yup, that's an ashtray with a no-smoking sticker in it and a lovely "faux marble" counter top nearly covering the toilet! How many freakin' non smoking rooms in this hotel have "no smoking" ash trays? How many have the counter top half way over the toilet? How come no one ever asked "why do we go through the trouble of putting stickers and ash trays in non-smoking rooms? How come no one ever asked... "Hey boss, these new counter tops sure are swell...but won't they make it kinda difficult to actually use the "facilities".

I couldn't help but think how important it is that we cultivate a culture at actionchurch where people feel free to question: "Is this really working?" Our neighbors, friends, and families lives are too valuable to go through the "motions" of church without considering whether we are actually accomplishing anything! I would much rather "defend" the usefulness of ministry to honest questions, than see useless motions waste the time and energy of our staff and volunteers. I think that would be a much bigger "tragedy" than "non-smoking" ashtrays and "not so easy access" toilets!

Blogging from Buzz

Enjoyed and awesome day one of "Buzz". As is "usual" (for every event NCC puts on) their people are helpful and friendly and their attention to detail and "packaging" are impeccable.

Here's the Highlights:

  • Awesome "spy kit" conference swag...It did make me smile when all you heard at first during the opening session was the sound of the "kits" being opened and unwrapped...unintended consequences.

  • NCC band...They keep sounding better every time I hear them.

  • Mark Batterson...unique twist-always makes me think.

  • Tim Stevens...awesome, the fastest passing hour I have experienced in a conference-ever.

  • Craig Groeschel...I'm really looking forward to hearing more from him tomorrow.

  • Sweet new leather reclining seats...seriously...I want some for my office...If the speakers hadn't have been so good I would have definitely snoozed.

  • Hanging out with Rye and the crew from Fusion....they are launching the same day we are in Pittsburg...and they're from Missouri. I had a blast getting to know them.

  • If your interested in any of the notes from the session check out Ben Arments blog...seriously dude, how do you type so fast...reading it is like being there. (I ran into Ben in the parking lot coming in...luckily not with my car)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Off to Buzz.

I'm off to the Buzz Conference in Washington D.C. ("our nations capitol" as Forrest Gump would say.)

Buzz conference will always have a special place in our hearts. Last year Michele and I attended Buzz during a very tough period of our life and ministry. We were on staff at a church and truly felt like there "must be something wrong with us" because we were not content to view church as some sort of "refugee camp" in a "lost and dying world". We truly felt (it turned out not to be true) that we were the only one's who thought the church should get off of it's "blessed assurance" and actually engage the world with the Good News of Jesus. When we went to Buzz we found we were actually part of many people (I believe it is a movement) who are actively "compelling them to come in" . We still call Buzz the "I'm not crazy" conference! ....OK, maybe we are "crazy" for doing this...but definitely not alone.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Magic Book???

I'm a little ashamed to say I watched the "reality"show Wife Swap on ABC the other night. (Would I sound more "manly" if I said I watched it while I was working out?) If you haven't seen it, the plot is "swap" two wives and mothers from very different families and conflict and hilarity ensues... What caught my attention on this particular episode is that they swapped a self professed "evangelical christian" into a household of self proclaimed "atheists". Although there were many "cringe worthy" moments the worst for me was when the Christian mother "took charge" of the atheist household. Her first "move" was to give the entire family Bibles and insist they read and study them. When the father protested she demanded he read it "so he could get saved"! I found myself agreeing with the atheist.

I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. I believe that the time I spend each day reading the scriptures both as a family and personally is time well spent. I do not however, believe in magic! I do not believe that the Bible is a book of "magical incantations" or a magical book that "has the answer to every question" like some ancient magic eight ball.

I meet "magic book believing" Christians all the time. They say things like "if everyone would just read the word, there wouldn't be all the sinnin' going on..." Really? More people per capita read the Bible in prison than on the "outside" and I hear it's lovely there...especially this time of year. They are led by "magic book believing" preachers who say things like "the only important thing is that you teach the Word". No need for preparation, original thought, know, those "gimmicks" that Jesus used when he taught. No need to use the "tactics" of Paul who in Acts 17 taught the scripture believing Jews from the scriptures, and taught the local "pagans" using nature and their poets as examples. (link)

What would happen if we stopped reading and studying the scriptures like high school students cramming for an exam? (I'm pretty sure there is no written exam for heaven.) What if we began reading God's word so we could find out more about the our Creator...and how to please him? What if we began to integrate the Bible into our thinking...and put it into practice in our actions! What if instead of trying to get the "uninterested" to read the Bible, we lived out the good news in front of them? (Remember, the church in Acts was studying the Old Testament... and being the New Testament.) What if instead of being proud of our "Knowledge of the Good Book" we were humbled by how few of our neighbors had experienced the Good News? What if though our study we actually began to act more like Jesus? Wow, this is starting to sound like a lot of work...maybe it would just be easier to believe that a "magic book" will somehow change the world.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

"Hard Core Biker"

I don't talk about it much on the blog but i am a "hard core biker". (The single-speed, coaster brake, steel frame, kind.) There's just not much better than "hitting the sidewalk" with the wind in my hair and a very pretty girl on the back! (Except maybe an oxygen tank for that one big hill.)

Yep, when Reagan and I take my "hog" for a spin around the neighborhood, women are impressed, men are envious, and children and small animals are scared... or at least they seem amused.

Monday, June 25, 2007

"Inside out"

I was reading this week about how the phrase "the whole nine yards" came into existence. (And no, it wasn't from the really bad movie staring "Chandler" from Friends.) In the World War II era the machine gun ammo belts were 27 feet long. When a pilot would empty his ammo belts into a target he would say he gave it " the whole nine yards". Did anyone else know that? I didn't.

I've noticed that as I and others have the chance to share the vision and dream of actionchurch certain phrases are quickly becoming part of our vocabulary. We say we want "a little less talk, and a lot more action". We want our message to be "louder than words". Lately I've found myself using the phrase "inside out" a lot so I would like to "officially" make it part of the "actionchurch vocabulary".

Inside out- use: " we want to be an inside out church" A common vision in churches is to build a large organization filled with "ministry opportunities" so that every member will have "a place to serve". If that's what your church is called to do, God bless you, we are called to do exactly the opposite! Our dream for actionchurch is to be a lean, efficient organization. We are interested in producing the best possible "weekend worship experience", with the fewest volunteers possible. I have seen far too many wonderful cub scout leaders, soccer coaches, charity volunteers, and community leaders convinced (by well meaning people) to give up their ministries in their community to take on the "religious busy work" of teaching a class or joining the choir! I believe that the very best work of the church happens outside it's walls! It is my passionate dream that actionchurch be a place that inspires, prepares, and assists people in serving their neighbors...rather than a "drain" on their ability to do so!

There will be times that we will as a church "gather the troops"! Times when we will ask that every possible person join us in single effort. Our focus at these times will always be on serving our community. (link) We will always strive to make these events worthwhile and memorable enough to be worthy of our "fellow revolutionary's" taking time away from their families and busy lives. You can also bet when we gather to serve and bless our community...we'll give them "the whole nine yards"!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Tale of Ten Toothbrushes.

I know this doesn't exactly make us exceptional, but our family values tooth brushing. We think it's extremely important. It's part of our "family culture". Our three year old, Reagan, doesn't share that "value" yet. She hates it!

So what is the best way to get a toddler to brush their teeth? Over the past few years I've actually tried to brush them against her will (I know, father of the year), but it is impossible! If you don't believe me and don't have a toddler around, try to brush the teeth of the next cat you can find-the results will be the same. We've tried lecturing, rewarding, bribing, you name it...we've tried it all! Finally, my brilliant and beautiful Michele, found the solution. "Mommy" utilized Reagan's love of "all things princess" and began to buy her a variety of different tooth brushes and pastes. Now tooth brushing has become an adventure for our "princess". She has a toothbrush for every outfit, every occasion, every mood. Tooth brushing is no longer a "battle".

Even though Michele's solution was actually effective I can't tell you I was immediately "thrilled" with the outcome. It offended my biases. (People should only have one toothbrush- it's ridiculous to have ten.) It didn't meet my traditions. (When I was a kid we only had one toothbrush... and we had to carve it out of wood ourselves...and we liked it that way.) It went against my personal comfort. (Why should I have to pay for ten toothbrushes... they're not free you know.) In the end, my love for my daughter and my belief that tooth brushing is essential won out!

Those of us who value the Good News of Jesus find ourselves in a similar dilemma. We are surrounded by a community of people who simply don't share our value. We can try to lecture, shame, bribe, or "trick" them, but in the end...the Church has not been very effective using these methods. The good news is that this is not a "new situation" to our creator. The Church has had to "re-invent" itself many times over the centuries since Jesus walked the earth. New "ways of doing church" that are effectively reaching communities are being developed every day! The question for each of us is this: Are we willing to put aside our biases, traditions, and personal comfort to spread the essential truth of the Gospel?
The answer to that question lies in another, much older, question: Do we love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves???

Saturday, June 23, 2007

We're going racing!

Part of the vision of actionchurch is "in order to connect with people who don't normally go to church, we must go places churches don't normally go." (link) I think God is definitely making it possible, even at this early stage, to live out that vision. Last week we were the only church to have a team in the York Relay for Life , this week we signed on as the primary sponsor for the Bob Lash Racing #222 legends car!

I cannot tell you how excited I am about the possibilities of introducing ourselves to thousands of race fans at our local speedways. I snapped these pictures as I was measuring the car and trailer for our logo's. (How cool is it that Bob's race team colors just "happen" to be red, black, and silver?!) I will post a race schedule and pictures after our logo's are applied next week. Our first race is scheduled for July 3rd at Susquehanna Speedway if you are would like to help us cheer Bob and the "actionchurch car" on. More details coming up...

Friday, June 22, 2007

Good Friday

No "rant" for me this sir! I am totally in my "happy place"...

Here's a few reasons why:

  1. I am so stinkin' thankful for all God does to provide for our family and our extended actionchurch family!

  2. I just got into the Buzz Conference! I waited too long and they ran out of spots so I was "flying standby". I found out last night that a spot had opened up so I will be heading to D.C. next Thursday and Friday...Sweet!

  3. God really positioned me at the "right place at the right time" to be able to share his good news on the job site yesterday. That always pumps me up!
  4. Tomorrow I will post an announcement about a really exciting and "fast-paced" way we will be introducing actionchurch to the community! I cannot wait. Stay tuned!

I guess I could have titled this "Thankful Friday" but it didn't have the same "ring". What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Is this a good idea???

I know this is just an awful picture...but I saw this sign on I-83 in York yesterday and I had to snap a picture. (It's also photographic proof that my truck is fast enough to drive on the interstate.) The sign has a website on it and basically invites everyone to gather to pray on July 7, 2007 (777) for "the return of our Lord". Does anyone think this is a good idea?

Here's the deal... If we are the "chosen ones" and salvation is all about getting us out of this life to a cushy life in heaven, well beam me up! Let's ditch this planet like a rock band checking out of a trashed hotel room!

If, however, the Great Commission and the Great Commandment not to mention that whole "you are the light of the world" thing make us more responsible than "special" this a good time to be praying for the masters return?

What if, (and I know "no one knows the hour") Jesus did come back for the Church now? Could it be that the "final episode" of the Church in America would turn out to be a lot like the final episode of Seinfeld? (In that episode the ultra-self-centered characters were prosecuted and convicted for "lack of humanity" for standing by and laughing while an obese man was mugged... ) What if praying for "the soon return of our Lord" is like a teenager left alone for the weekend calling for the "soon return of his parents" as he stands in the middle of a raging "kegger" being held in their living room? Once again I ask...Does this seem like a good idea?

I think I'm going to pray this: Jesus please withhold your return. Please forgive us for making a mess of things. Help us to turn from the things that waste our time and break our hearts for the things that break yours. I know it is your desire that everyone experience the good news of your kingdom. Give us strength, love, and courage to make that our top priority also. Amen

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thanks Darren!

One of my dreams for actionchurch is that it be a gathering for people of all races. It doesn't seem right to me that church on Sunday morning is the most racially segregated place in York County. (and America) My "question" has been how to be racially diverse without being "forced" or "phony"? (I am the pastiest white guy in America...your never going to hear "fo' schizell" in my sermon...)

I had the opportunity to ask that question and many others of Darren Plummer (listed in Blogs I Read) yesterday. Darren is the African American pastor of a racially diverse church (Mosaic Community Church). He was kind enough to not only answer my questions but to share the story of his life and the launch of their new church.

I feel blessed that someone busy with a new church launch would take time out to answer my questions. It was so interesting to note that even though you could not pick two more "different" guys (from the outside) our backgrounds, vision for the future, and leadership styles are very similar. I think that might be part of the answer to my question... Thanks Darren!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

You should come by sometime...

Have you ever had a friend or acquaintance say that to you? Hey, we're usually around..."You should come by some time". Have you ever done it? Do you think they really mean it? When you say it do you really mean it?

I'm not a "pop-in" person. Although I've had many people invite me to over the years, I don't think I have ever "dropped in" to some one's house "just because I was in the neighborhood". I don't do it because I'm not sure if I'm "really invited". I don't do it because I don't know what to expect...are they napping, in the shower, getting ready for bed?

You know when I show up at friends houses? When I am truly invited. When they care enough to "set a date" and give me the details. When I know what kind of event I am coming to so I can dress and prepare accordingly. (Is it a barbecue on the deck, or a formal dinner party...I've never been to a formal dinner party but I'm pretty sure it would be in bad taste to show up in flip flops.)

Everyday I drive past church signs (this one's not real) like the one above. Somehow we expect people to "drop in." We expect them to know what to wear, where to go, and how long we will meet...even though we don't tell them. Even more disturbing is the fact that when they don't put aside their discomfort and drop in- we blame them for our own failure to properly invite them. "I guess people just don't want to hear anyone "preach the word" anymore..." Puhleeeeeze!

Practical ways to make your community feel "invited"

  1. Give real information on your website! This is a biggie for me. Instead of telling about what Bible College, khaki's and kind of ice cream your pastor enjoys, how about answering my questions about what to wear, how long is your service, and what can I expect... If I know how to prepare and dress I will be more comfortable to "drop in".

  2. Signage. Since I was not part of the building committee of your church...I don't know where the children's area or the restroom is...and I really need to go!

  3. More than "greeters"... As much as I enjoy a handshake at the door (I can do without it) and a big fat bulletin to "mutilate" during your service...what I really need is someone to notice my confused look and offer to walk with me to the children's area. (LCBC did this great our first much for" mega churches" not being friendly!)

  4. Have a "gathering" worth inviting someone to! In all my years of witnessing "bring a friend Sunday's" and other gimmicks, Nothing is as effective in getting people to personally invite their friends than having "something worth inviting your friends to". It's that simple. Guess what, kids won't invite their friends over to the house if they know that "embarrassing aunt Edna" is going to be there. In my experience, it is also unlikely that church attenders will invite their friends if there are "embarrassing elements" of a church service. If the preacher consistently feels "led by the spirit" to beat the life out of his already dying sermon with "just one more point" ...If the singer sounds like part of the early auditions of American Idol... If it is boring...irrelevent...or a waste of time...people may endure it themselves, but they will not subject their friends to their church "service"...

We are passionate about inviting York county to be a part of actionchurch. We understand that everyone may not choose to join us...but it won't be because they were not "invited!"

Monday, June 18, 2007

Wanted: Extreme Fishermen!

I love the show Deadliest Catch on the Discovery Channel. If you would have asked me before I saw the show if I would be interested in "watching a program about
crab fishing in the Bering Sea" I think the answer would be a big
NO! After watching, I was absolutely hooked (that's no fishing
pun) by the crews of the crabbing ships. They are fearless and
hopeful, willing to risk it all because they understand the high
value of what they are fishing for. (Each King Crab is worth over
$20 and a crewman can make $10-20k per trip!) I love how
the crews realize they are all "in it to win". If one crew member
is slacking or injured others will either jump in to help or
administer a "wake-up" call. Teamwork on a crab boat isn't a goal or's survival! I love how proud the crewmen are of their "colors". The highest honor for a rookie crewman is to receive a jacket with the ships logo on it that he can wear when he returns home. I love how every crewman strives to be great at their particular "station" so that the team can have a good catch. I also love that even though the captain sets the course for the ship from high above the deck, he receives a "share" in the catch just like the other crewman. Finally, (and I could go on...I really dig this program) I love that they constantly "keep score"! You will never find a crab fisherman on the Bering Sea who does not know how many crab they are catching and what they are worth. Every crewman realizes that they are paid to catch crab...not be on a boat, wear a rain suit, or talk about fishing. They are crab fishermen....and the most important thing to them, way more important than their physical comfort and safety, is that they are "on the crab".

We are currently looking for Launch Team Members. Launch team members are not "board members" or "committee members" or "steering team members"! The qualifications of a launch team members are actually very much like the crewmen on a crab boat in the Bering Sea! We are looking for men and women who understand the extreme value of the lives of our neighbors in York county. People who are willing to risk their own "comfort and safety" of being a "church goer/member"to save the lives of our neighbors and friends with the Good News of Jesus. We are looking for people who would be proud to wear the actionchurch "colors". People who will put their own "issues" aside to work as a team. We are looking for optimistic, entrepreneurial men and women who see declining church attendance as an opportunity for a "ship" who will go out to the dangerous and cold waters of our culture where the "big catch" is to be found. Most of all, we are looking for men and women who believe a place like actionchurch is needed in York county...and have the courage to do something about it!

Interested? Does this sound like your kind of adventure? For more info email:

"Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men." Mathew 4:19

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Things I learned from Dad (without even trying)

I ran across this picture of my dad and our daughter Reagan "reading" in our sun room. My parents came here to visit from Missouri and I am sure "Grandpa" was just doing what I have known him to do every morning for as long as I can remember...taking some time to read his Bible. He looks completely unaware that his granddaughter is trying to be just like him.

My dad was a pastor, an electrical engineer, and a farmer. He also raised seven children and has been married for about 150 yrs. I'm sure he tried to teach me things...I am his oldest son. I'm just not sure I learned the things he tried to teach me. Here's a couple of things I learned from my dad (without even trying.)

"Somebody did it for the first time". Whenever I would ask my dad if he knew how to do something, whether it was fixing a car or tractor, building a building, or solving a problem, he always had the same answer. "Somebody had to do it for the first time." Looking back, I'm sure there were times he had no idea what he was doing. Somehow over the years he instilled in me with this one truism (repeated countless times) that anything was possible. I cannot tell you how many times that saying has run through my mind as I contemplated some new endeavor.

"Try again". I cannot tell you how much I hated learning this one. Whenever I would come to my father and say, I can't "lift this" ,"figure this out", " get this bolt loose", "get this lawnmower started" etc, before he would help me he would say. "Go try again." Wow was that irritating! Sometimes he would do it twice or three times before he would help. The surprising thing was is that many times when he sent me back to "try again", I found that I could actually do whatever task I thought was "impossible" just a few minutes before! Maybe my father was stalling for time, maybe he had so many requests from his seven children that he used this as a method to sort out the serious needs from the silly...I don't know. I do know that whenever I am tempted to quit in anything, I hear the words "try again" in my head.

So fathers, what are you teaching your children? They are constantly learning, and we are constantly teaching them. Sometimes without even trying...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

In the game.

York Relay for Life at night...

We just completed the Relay for life and like the rest of the team I am exhausted, a little sore, and a lot "fried". I realized this morning as I watched the sun rise over the track at West York High after a two hours of sleep in a tent, that my "aches and pains" are because we, as a church, are officially "in the game".

This was our first public event and I am excited to be in the game of "letting our light shine so that others will see our good works and praise our father in heaven". I am excited about being in the "game" of interacting with our community. (Wow, did we meet some really great people!) I am excited to be in the "game" of helping those hurting with cancer. Most of all, I am excited to be in the "game" of putting the teachings of Jesus Christ into action!

It's easy and safe to constantly "study the playbook" in church. It looks "spiritual" to become an expert at the X's and O's of faith. It's convenient and low risk to stay in the "Holy huddle" but it eliminates the possibility in actually changing the "scoreboard" of life. You can get exhausted when you are in the "game". You can get sore and banged up, you can even lose, but a life filled with endless practice and no "game time" isn't worth much... it's just kinda sad.

I don't know the "outcome" of our 24 hrs spent at the Relay. I am very excited about the possibilities but time will tell how profitable our time was. I do know that as tired and sore as I am... I am proud of our little team for choosing to get in the game!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Where the "action" is.

The York Relay for Life starts at 4 this afternoon. We will be
setting up "camp actionchurch" around 3.

When Jesus was with us here on the earth he didn't just "lecture". He didn't just "teach and equip". He didn't just have religious "services". He spent much of his public ministry healing the sick, feeding the hungry, and eating with the "sinners" that the religious community rejected. The whole "point" of being actionchurch is to put his teachings and example into action. Although we may not have the ability to heal everyone with cancer in our county, we are very grateful to be even a small part of the Relay for Life which helps treat and prevent cancer all over the world. We are so thankful to the volunteers and staff of the American Cancer Society for putting on such a great event.

To be clear, being part of relay, giving away water, joining with other county "relief" agencies are not just promotional of "publicity" stunts to let people know about actionchurch. Although we will undoubtedly make connections and be known by these "actions" (as Jesus was by his miracles) our purpose is to be an "inside-out" church that actually exists for those who are not attending. We are looking forward to sponsoring a team at the Relay next year, after launch.

If you are in the area and would like to stop by, here is a link to the relay location. Map to West York Senior High School (link)

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Priests, Politicians, and Preachers. (part one)

Priests: I've been reading 1 Samuel and the story of Eli's sons makes me think of America, 2007. The Bible says that Eli's sons Hophni and Phinehas were "scoundrels". They were priests of Israel and although Eli had never disciplined them, they had been raised and trained all their lives in the proper ways to sacrifice the peoples offerings to God. Their job was to serve the people by using their training and knowledge to offer their sin and guilt offerings correctly to God. For their "trouble" God allowed for the priests and their families to be fed and cared for out of the tithes of the people. However, "Eli's Boyz" forgot they were there to serve the people and began just taking the choicest cuts of meat before the sacrifice was performed. They begin to think it was all about them. Every Israelite who came to sacrifice was seen as just a buffet waiting to happen. "The Boyz" got fat, and God got seriously angry. You can read the story here (link)

Politicians: Flash forward to 2007. Our politicians were elected to serve the people. They were supposed to use the tax "offerings" of the people for the best interest of our county. Somehow, politicians of both the "Elephant brand" and "Donkey brand" have come to think that it is "all about them." Can anyone actually say "public servant" with a straight face? Every taxpayer and corporation is seen as just a potential campaign donation or tax check. Somehow, life goes on and politicians continue to have meetings, make speeches, and talk about doing the work of the people. However, the public is not truly fooled, and respect for politicians continues to plummet. Many people see government as an entity that restricts their lives with laws, and constantly tries to take their money.

Preachers: God put "shepherds" and "teachers" in place to serve the sheep. For their trouble, God allows for them and their families to be cared for from the tithes and offerings of the people. Over the years, the "game" has shifted from "leaving the 99" to find the one "lost sheep" to "pleasing the 99" so they will pay our salaries. Preachers work to win donors and volunteers to support the programs of the church instead of using church resources to "let our light shine in the community" It's become all about us. We ask for "church discounts" from local merchants and make sure that our tax-exempt status is always honored. Every "visitor" is seen as a potential buffet of money and talents. Somehow, life goes on and churches continue to have meetings, preach sermons, and talk about doing the "work of the Lord". However, the public is not truly fooled, and respect for preachers continues to plummet. Many people see Church as a place that restricts their lives with rules, and constantly wants their money.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy Birthday, Michele!

My wife Michele is turning 40 today. There won't be any black balloons or "over the hill" jokes around our house because I'm almost there myself. I was thinking though, that I have spent almost twenty of those years with her! I just realized that, (although this won't get me a job writing cards for Hallmark) after all these years she's still a "mystery" to me...

I still don't understand how:

She can shop with Reagan like the Gilmore Girls, and still save money like Dave Ramsey. If you want to "live long and prosper" don't get between Michele and a stack of coupons or a clearance sale.

She can work out every day like a pro athlete, and still bake and clean like Betty Crocker. True story, Michele wore a hole in the running surface (belt) of our last treadmill...

She can look like a "desperate housewife", and pray like Joyce Meyer. Note to self: Triple check the previous sentence. If you get those references backwards it could paint a very different picture... That could turn out very badly.

She is a great mother to both a 23 year old son, and a 3 year old daughter...but wait there's more, she's still way more "hot mama" than "mother hen"!

Happy birthday baby! If we are blessed with another 40 years together I probably won't be able to figure you out...But I sure look forward to trying.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hangin' with a three year old...

Yesterday, was our day off. Michele had a dentist appointment and some other stuff to do so I ended up spending much of the day with our daughter Reagan.

Why its fun to hang out with a three year old:

  1. It's fun to teach them stuff. I taught Reagan to blow bubbles. She thinks mastering the "bubble wand" is a big do I.

  2. It's fun to learn from them. I learned that "fish don't need baths, because they swim so much". I also learned a new word. "Kindful" We are trying to teach Reagan to be king, helpful, thankful, etc. She's turned it into one word...."kindful" I'm gonna try to be more "kindful" this week!

  3. She likes washing cars: If I ever get a chance to "guest write" a new commandment it will be: "Wash thy car, especially the wheels, for brake dust is an abomination".... Reagan agrees...Or maybe just likes spraying things with the hose.

  4. She has a giggle fit when I use the word "stinky". 'nuff said.

Monday, June 11, 2007

"Failure Resume"

I've been talking to a friend who has just received kind of a "right hook to the chin" from his job this week. He loves and follows Jesus, so I am confident God has plan, but things certainly seem to be "heading in the wrong direction" from our human perspective.

As I was talking to him I realized that it has been predominately the times I have "failed" or "things haven't gone my way" that God has used to guide me to this life that I now live and love. So, even though this is probably the last way I should "introduce myself" to all of you new to the actionchurch blog, (thanks for reading by the way!) here resume form:

Education: I dropped out of a state university with a full ride (housing, food, everything) academic scholarship. Although this may not be my smartest did prepare me for a life of entrepreneural activity...otherwise, I found out I could earn whatever the prevailing minimum wage was.

Music: My efforts to become a "rock star" have not worked out very well. I have played with some very talented musicians, met some life long friends, recorded some tunes, but to date I have made about $7 as a professional musician.

Sales: After leaving college and getting married I decided that sales was the way for me to earn a living. I somehow convince a desparate sales manager I was a good candidate. I cut my hair, bought a couple suits and a used BMW and headed out to be the greatest saleman ever. I wasnt. In fact I pretty much sucked at sales...still do.

MLM: During this time I was convince that maybe Multi-level-marketing was the answer for our struggling wasn't. I couldn't "sell" as documented above, and my friends were as "broke" as we were. So much for making "10 million a month" in my spare time...

Contracting. After all my other "wrong turns" in the entrepreneurial arena I still dreamed of starting a business. In 1995 I saw an opportunity to start a renovation contracting company in Owings Mills MD. Unfortunately this came at a time when I finally had a construction Job that "almost" paid the bills. By God's grace the company took off immediately. I learned from this two things. 1 Never give up. 2. You will have to give up security to achieve a dream.

Of course after several years of financial success(this is a "failure resume" after all) I made some bad hiring and strategy decisions and nearly lost it all. We went for nearly 9 months with only income. I learned several things from this experience. 1. God is faithful. We had become faithful in tithing and giving and we never missed a mortgage payment. 2. Listen to those who know more about an area than you! I finally realized that Michele was correct in wanting to be debt free. I turned the finances of the business completely over to her. She was successful in her mission and today we are financially prepared to launch actionchurch because of her vision. 3. Learn from your mistakes...but don't quit! I relaunched my business as a painting contractor and I am thankful to say it still provides for us today!.

Family. Most of you reading this are wondering how I still have a do I. I have failed as a husband and father by believing the lie society tells us that "providing money for the family is more important than spending time with the." I have been a workaholic. I also believed that lie of the church that "serving the local church somehow exempts you from being with your family" I have repented. I have been given another chance. So actionchurch, I will take Mondays off to spend time with Michele and Reagan. I will have no more than one (1) night meeting a week....period. I may fail (that would be new) at being a pastor ...but I will not fail again at spending time with those I love.

Ministry. I have volunteered in ministry nearly all my adult life. I have filled the roles of worship leader, youth pastor, floor sweeper, you name it. I love to serve in the church. In 2005 I was ordained and accepted a position of Associate Minister at a local church. In spite of the huge pay cut I felt that it was what I had been preparing for all my life. I was finally able to put all my effort into bringing those outside the kingdom into the local church. Unfortunately, one year later, It got me fired. Believing and saying the things I say every day on this blog made me unacceptable as a minister of a church. (Looking back, It's more of a miracle that I was hired than fired) Being fired felt like a fish being taken out of his fishbowl and flushed down the toilet. It stunk. It was scary and embarrassing, but now that I have "made it out of the sewer and into the ocean" I would never want to go back to the fishbowl. I thank God every day for giving me the opportunity to be even a small part of actionchurch.

So there it is, my "failure resume". It's incomplete due to space considerations. How is your "failure resume"? I hope it's shorter than mine. The big question is this: How are you letting God use your "failures" for his Glory? It means everything!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Masking Tape and Salt.

Over the years that I have worked as a painting contractor I have used a lot of masking tape. On a busy week like this one I can use over 30 rolls! Once in a while I will get a roll of tape that will not stick to anything. For some reason it has "lost it's stickiness". Although I guess I could use it as a doorstop or a paperweight...It's only useful to me if it's "sticky". There are few things more worthless than a roll of "unsticky" tape! After very few attempts to use it I end up flinging it into the nearest trash can.

I thought about that "unsticky" tape as I read this passage this morning:

13 "You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it useful again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless. 14 You are the light of the world � like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see. 15 Don't hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all. 16 In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. Mathew 5:13-16

Jesus says our role(s) as his followers is to be "salt and light". Our purpose for being in our communities is to "let our good deeds shine out for all to see so that every one will praise Him!"... Have you ever tried to bargain away your responsibilities to be "salt and light"? I have. I've tried to trade going to church every week (sometimes two!) for being "salt and light". I've tried to trade knowing lots of scripture for being "salt and light". Others think that perhaps giving to the church exempts us from being "salt and light". Maybe if we just volunteer enough at our church Jesus will "let up" on his command for us to be his light in our neighborhood...

In the end...nothing we can do can remove our responsibility to "let our good deeds shine" at work, in our neighborhood, at our schools, and with our friends. Jesus has called us to be "useful" to his kingdom effort. Otherwise we become "unsticky tape" and "unsalty salt" ..both are pretty useless.

Masking tape tips: 1. Buy blue "professional painters tape" only when you will be leaving it on over night or longer. (It's less "sticky" and actually doesn't work as well as regular white masking tape...It just is better to remove on longer jobs.) 2. Remove your masking tape while the paint is still wet! This eliminates paint chipping and tearing. 3. Masking tape has a "shelf life" if you have some that has been laying around the garage for yourself a favor, buy new before masking something. I hope these tips are "useful" if you need to mask and paint something around the house. I'm embarrassed I know so much about masking tape....

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Yeah Baby!

I love it! Great Job by . We have a matching back wall and table cover so it can be used as a booth but there was a major thunderstorm coming while we were putting it up. Right after these pictures I folded it down and by the time it was in the garage it was pouring... whew. I am really excited to put this awesome "tool" to work next weekend!

Friday, June 8, 2007

"right where we should be"

We are now one week from our first public event, the York Relay for Life. The relay for life is a 24 hr relay to raise money for the local American Cancer Society. Having an actionchurch team is a huge undertaking...and it's almost here. As far as being "ready" for the event, I am happy to say we are "right where we should be" at this point.

Here's the "score": This event makes me nervous. It's too big...too soon. Our logo'd tent hasn't arrived. (UPS says "perhaps today") Our T-shirts are behind schedule and not here yet. We haven't been able to contact all the walkers since we got back from vacation. Michele is getting ready to write a "way too big" check to the Cancer Society for any new church plant.

So why do I say we are "right where we should be"? actionchurch was not "born" out of York County "needing" yet another church. We don't exist because of some "term paper" mission statement hanging on our wall. We don't risk it all because of some "I-wish-they-all-could-be-California-girls-wouldn't-it-be-swell-if-everyone-went-to-church" vision statement. We have a cause...we are on a mission! We want everyone in York County to personally experience the Good News of Jesus Christ! This can't be accomplished with literature and slogans. It can't be accomplished by "having church" and hoping "they" show up! We believe we, and our fellow and future kingdom "revolutionaries" (actionistas?) who will join us, must live different kind of lives. Lives overflowing with kindness, generosity, forgiveness, and love.... Everyone we meet must personally be affected by our decision to follow Jesus. This includes people who reject Christ, reject us,
aren't interested, aren't "worth it"...actionchurch exists to "make Jesus famous"!

We are "right where we should be"! To fulfill our audacious mission we will constantly have to do "risky" things that make me nervous. We will have to stretch past what is "possible" with our current volunteer base. We will do things "too big", and "too soon". We will consistently "empty our accounts" to show York County by our actions that a Loving God is thinking of them... yup, we are right where we should be!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Not your "average" church?

As part of the "research and development" phase of actionchurch I have visited literally hundreds of church websites and blogs. I'm not sure whether this is funny or sad but I noticed something in common about many of them. A vast majority of churches had some version of "we're not your average church" in their online information. I know this is anecdotal evidence but think about that...It could be that the average church in America says it's "not your average church".

I'm not sure what people looking for a church online think as they view church after church claiming not to be "your average church". (What if they are looking for an average church?) I know what it makes me think. We will never position actionchurch as being "different than" other churches. My dream is to tell as many people as possible who we are and will be, and allow people to make up their own mind about whether they want to be part of our community...or not!

We will spend zero effort trying to be different than other churches. We will spend mega effort trying to be like this church... I'm pretty sure this is the standard we will be "graded" by.

46 They worshiped together at the Temple each day (active in their culture), met in homes for the Lord's Supper (actively involved in the church body), and shared their meals with great joy and generosity (actively serving their community) – 47 all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people (actively striving to “make Jesus famous”). And each day the Lord added to their group those who were being saved. (actively living out the “great commission”)
Acts 2:46-47

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Real Christian of Genius

Here's some video sent to me by Matt at Unity Pro Audio & Video.
When I first saw it I "threw up in my mouth a little bit"... Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Free water?

One of the most important aspects of introducing actionchurch to York county is by doing acts of kindness and generosity, sometimes called "servant evangelism". This will include giving away free bottled water at intersections, parades, the racetrack, etc. We plan to have a free water and coffee tent at the fair. As weather gets colder and we get closer to launching we have plans to scrape peoples windshields, clear sidewalks etc. This is such an important part of our "DNA" that we plan not only to continue these events after launching, but also to encourage actionchurch members to consistently make such acts of kindness and generosity a part of their day to day lives. We are certainly not the first use these methods, in fact a recently launched church in the Washington DC area just posted about their experiences giving away water at an intersection. (link)

Are you a little skeptical that such methods could actually work? Do you wonder about all the people who will take the "gift" and never even visit the actionchurch website? To be honest, I have thought those same thoughts...

Although I believe servant evangelism is a biblical principal, (Jesus healed and fed as well as taught), many web based business follow this same model. For example on the right hand side of this blog you can see the "feedburner" and "statcounter" logo's. Both companies provide free services to web users. Feedburner distributes blogs in RSS or email formats. Statcounter keeps track of visitors and traffic. Both companies provide a free service in order to advertise on their website and sometimes offer paid "upgrade" services to their users. Many people take advantage of these companies services and never "pay" or visit their sponsors, some never upgrade...however, enough people do join and "contribute" to make these companies viable businesses.

Still unconvinced that an organization can give away goods and services with "no strings attached" and still build up a large and profitable membership? You may have heard of these "little" companies- Google and YouTube They seem to be "surviving" quite well...

Want to be part of our "kindness and generosity revolution"? It could be as simple as handing out a bottle of "free water". Please contact me a for more information.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Doing the "opposite"

I worked out for the first time in three weeks last night. I stopped because of the possibility of rupturing my spleen. (a complication of the mono). I don't exactly know what my spleen is...but it is truly a sweet excuse not to excercise.

Actually, I enjoy working out. Even on the days I have to "drag myself" downstairs to our home gym after work, I always feel better afterward. Here's what struck me as I worked out last night. I have been weight training for years, yet after only three weeks "off", I could easily replace that time with sitting on the couch, eating Oreos, and watching TV. I am really going to have to have self-discipline to get back in the "habit" of working out.

Why is it that good habits are easy to fall out of, and bad habits are hard to break? Why is it that I have to discipline myself to read the Bible and talk to my creator, but no one has ever had to remind me to watch more TV? I think there is a little "George Costanza" (wiki) in all of us. Maybe we should just do the "opposite" of what our natural instincts are. What do you think?

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Jesus take the Wheel

I've had over 30 hours "experience" sitting behind the steering wheel this week, so I thought I would experiment with an "interactive blog post" this morning.

Here's your part: Go out to your vehicle, start it up but don't put it in gear. Turn the steering wheel back and forth as many times as you want...just don't actually put the car in gear. Did you do it? You're back? Good. Here's the Question- With all that "steering" did your car actually change direction? Did you actually accomplish anything? Hold that thought.

So many people I talk to mention at some point wanting to know God's "plan" for their life. (No I'm not a counselor...more like a consultant.) It's as if so many of us (myself included at times) are "idling" in our driveways while asking Jesus to "take the wheel" of our life...kinda like the Carrie Underwood song without the drama. Books have been written, seminars held, sermons preached but still so many find themselves unsure what "God's will" is for their life. God's steering input seems mystical, elusive, and hard to attain.

Remember our little steering "experiment"? I think God is much more willing to "steer" our lives than we think. I think the number one thing that hinders him is our unwillingness to "put it in gear" and actually move out without knowing our destination. (Sound Familiar?) Instead we wait and "pray", paralyzed by fear and indecision, hoping that God will somehow reveal his plan for our life to us so we don't have to actually live by faith. Imagine if we stopped our vehicles every time we turned the steering wheel...our lives, like our vehicles are best "steered" by gentle nudges on the wheel while it is already in motion. Still worried that you might take a wrong turn? God specializes in U-turns.

So what should you do if you are "idling" in the driveway of life? Put it in gear! Ask God to "steer" as you move in a direction that doesn't contradict what the Bible already reveals to us to do. Example (s): If you need God's direction in finances (and who doesn't) start moving in the direction of being faithful in giving to your church and generosity to will soon feel his hand on your life's "steering wheel". If you need God's direction in your career, start moving in the direction laid out by the bible of being hardworking, honest, and dependable...God will "show up"! A wise Pastor, Gary Brothers, once put it this way and I will never forget it. He said "Do all you know to do, and let God handle the rest."

Final thought: If you are not convinced that you need God's hand on the "steering wheel" of your life try this experiment: Get in your car, start it up, and put both of your hands over your eyes. Don't touch the steering wheel. Now step on the gas! You're back? You did what??? I hope you're OK. That's pretty much what happened to me too every time I try to "drive" this thing called life on my own...

Disclaimer: All stunts done by a professional driver on a closed course. Never drive with both hands covering your eyes and no hands on the wheel...are you nuts??? Reading this blog may increase your insurance rates. Feel free to operate heavy equipment.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Going home...

We're heading out today, and I am excited to be going home. Not because we haven't had a great week in the Orlando area. The weather has been perfect, the house we rented is flippin' sweet. We've eaten well and had lots of fun. By all accounts this has been a "dream vacation"!

Some reasons I am excited to be going home:

  1. My two favorite "girls" in the word are going with sweet is that.

  2. I love the people of York county, PA. Nascar stickers, loud Harleys, hot rods, beautiful lawns...everything except the lawns are my "people".

  3. I am excited to be a little part of actionchurch! God's "kingdom" is even more exciting than the Magic Kingdom.

  4. I miss my bed...

Cue Daughtry...cause I'm goin' home.

Edit: We made it back home seven-ish (Saturday) tonight. Thanks for prayers for a safe trip! I notice as I came down Rt. 30 that the street rods nationals are in town...sweet. Tomorrow afternoon I'll have to take a cruize around. It's good to be home.

Friday, June 1, 2007

MGM thoughts...

We spent the day yesterday at Disney MGM. We ended up seeing several shows: Beauty and the beast and Playhouse Disney. Every venue was large and packed. The sound was amazing! It was loud...and clear. Even in the daytime, tons of lighting and projectors were used-effectively. (Matt and Steve check out that truss much???) Michele wanted to "steal" the Playhouse Disney set for our "actionkids" area. It was excellent in every way...and you know what? We expected it to be!

Here's what I didn't experience- People looking for "smaller shows" because they couldn't "get to know everyone" in such a large venue. People complaining that Disney spent "too much money" just to tell old fairy tales. For that matter, people wondering how much of their ticket price Disney spent on equipment...because "this stuff looks expensive". People saying Disney should have stayed at the "plywood, paint, and glitter" production level their original "It's a small world" ride...because that's the "right" way to do fun. My daughter, Reagan, wished they had "gone deeper" into the story on Beauty and the Beast. Other than that...It was nothing like church.

Final Questions: Why do we expect a place like Disney to be technically excellent in telling their "stories", and yet complain about churches who attempt to tell the Greatest Story with the same attention to detail???